In this video the photographer covers his tips and techniques and some of the resulting pictures from his photo outing to Coronado Island in San Diego at night. These locations are very heavily photographed, so he wanted to try to do things a little different. Including some pretty aggressive post processing to try to give [More]
Gabriel Biderman explores the images that can be captured at night when you expose for seconds, minutes, and even hours with film and digital cameras. You’ll find Gabriel Biderman’s Website at
In this video Eric Rossi covers at least eight ugly truths about photography. Some are more harsh then others. There is a lot to be said about how photography is or what to expect. What else can you add? Share down below.  All camera brands make good and terrible cameras so do your research to [More]
In this video Mark talks about the difference between an umbrella and a softbox and how your light modifier is affected by size, shape and control.
In this video photographer Dom Bower take you along on a night photography shoot to capture shots of the stars in the night sky over his native Scotland.
Superb advise on taking superb portrait pictures and wedding photographs from top photographer Bambi Cantrell.
Brent takes you through how to photograph a portrait or model in direct sunlight, dealing with wind and harsh sunlight, and runs through the images afterwards.
In this video photographer Phillip McCordall covers real light painting, how to shoot a subject in a studio only using one moving light source, a torch in this case.
David Smith from South Africa shares his top tips and techniques for amazing nature & wildlife photography. Learn how to take better photos with his advice on approaching animals, composing and framing shots, and getting the best camera accessories. You’ll come away with natural and “inspired” photos from a safari, or just a hike in [More]
In this video Australian photographer Jamie Paterson gives a slide show presentation on his public exhibition including some of his very inspiring photographs.
In this video professional photographer Dom Bower explains and demonstrates why not to use a dome diffuser if you are doing any sort of interior architecture photography because it casts shadows.
In this second episode of Karl Taylor’s two part Macro Photography tips videos we actually see the results generated by the various lenses, cameras and accessories discussed in the first video.