A Full Moon Night Photography Workshop led by photographers Scott Martin and Lance Keimig held in the Big Bend region of West Texas.
This video gives a basic explanation of ISO in digital photography and video,  explaining why a higher ISO results in more noise.
Learn the do’s and don’ts of portrait photography. Also learn how to break the rules. When can you chop off the top of someone’s head or limbs? What are the real no-nos of portrait photography. Mark gives you the rules of thumb as well as good posing advice.
In this video Karl shows and critiques the top 25 images entered into his recent “Green” competition including the winning photograph, so the video had lots of helpful composition tips.
In this video Mike Wilson shares his passion for photographing the night sky and includes some info on what you will find if you look upward plus a few images to wet your apatite for capturing stunning shots of the heavens.
This video see wildlife photographer Ben Clewis shooting at Lake Marion SC. Not very long but includes a few tips and a stunning collection of final images.
Some basic tips for taking stunning landscape photographs from Imre Z. Balint.
In this follow-on video the photographer expands on how he took his unique shot. These additional tips can further help you make your own photographs more unique.
In this video the photographer talks about how he took one of his more unique shots. Use the tips and techniques that he shares to make your own more unique photographs. He was using a nikon D3X and nikon 14-24mm lens to capture the photo in the video.
When posed the question “What’s the best camera?” 9 times out of 10, most professional photographers will reply “The one you have on you” so what do you do when the only camera you have to hand is the one in your cell phone? This video shows iPhone users, as well as all camera equipped [More]
This video introduces the different equipment needed for getting that close up photo with your digital SLR. First looking at close up filters followed by extension tubes and then on to the holy grail, macro lenses.
In this video Scott gives a quick example of how to make a very low cost DIY macro light for those Extreme Close-Ups. Using a set of high brightness LED key chain lights and some gaffers tape or Velcro, you can easily create a very powerful little tool that will fit in that last little [More]