In this episode Mark Wallace shows you how to shoot at night using only the moon and stars as your source of light. Outtakes at the end of the video – Coyotes!
Karl Taylor’s photography tips on light will probably change the way you plan your photography composition from now on!
In this video professional photographer Brian Palmer concludes his Nature Photography workshop. Part 5 covers Getting Started With Camera Gear Choices Renting vs Buying Gimbal Heads Better Beamer. Filmed by Eric Broussard Edited by Brian Palmer (c) 2011 – Brian Palmer
This tutorial about night photography will show you how to take long exposures during the night. Find out what camera settings are better is which situation. A lot of examples!
In this video made by Australian Landscape Photographer Matt Lauder, he covers a Photoshop sharpening method from Marc Adamus, so for all the Photoshop owners this will be a very useful tip to add to your post production techniques.
With a few simple techniques you will be able to create images that are more eye-catching than you had imagined. Make capturing inspiring cityscapes second nature!
In this video photography teacher Tony Worobiec cover some of the basics on night and low light photography.
Scout your location early or on another day with similar lighting conditions, The goal is to create great photographs and that requires you to have a great rappor with the model or family keeping the thoughts and fun going, Keep a good conversation going with the model and ‘look’ at them making sure they are [More]
In this video professional photographer Dom Bower shares his tips on taking location portraits and the techniques he used to create shots worthy of inclusion in a magazine when the weather and light conditions were less than ideal.
In this video the photographer passes on some useful tips for taking portrait shots, together with advise on lens selection and some other useful accessories.
In this video episode of Digital Photography 1 on 1, Mark Wallace explains all about Watt-Seconds. Mark answers the question, “How many watt-seconds do I need?” Mark will show you that Watts don’t equate to light output. He’ll put several studio strobes to the test to find out which one is the most efficient.
In this video Karl Taylor meets up with photographic and digital printing expert, John Fitzgerald, to take a look at a few modern ways to display photography. Too often nowadays photographers forget to show off their best photos! Whether for commercial purposes or just purely for pleasure, many photographers are unaware of a great variety [More]