Scout your location early or on another day with similar lighting conditions, The goal is to create great photographs and that requires you to have a great rappor with the model or family keeping the thoughts and fun going, Keep a good conversation going with the model and ‘look’ at them making sure they are
In this Night Photography tutorial Patti Schulze of gives you an alternate way to create star trail photographs. This technique, known as the stacking method, involves making a number of short exposures, and combining them using an action in Photoshop to create the illusion of one long exposure with long star trails. This method
This video has helpful tips from a professional freelance photographer for setting the mood and ambiance for capturing a still-life image using lighting, color and focus creating a mood to make the picture more interesting.
Studio photography on a budget, this video will teach you how to take studio photos without any professional equipment just using the lights from around your home, it shows step by step how to do it.
In this video Mark Wallace walks us through the process of taking creative still life photos. Mark will demonstrate how to use an aquarium to capture engaging images of ordinary household items. From a strawberry to food coloring, watch as Mark provides step by step instructions for creating unique still life images.
In this video an award-winning photographer explains how to use your digital camera’s light meter to help you make adjustments to take the best possible pictures with the light in a room.
Learn the do’s and don’ts of portrait photography. Also learn how to break the rules. When can you chop off the top of someone’s head or limbs? What are the real no-nos of portrait photography. Mark gives you the rules of thumb as well as good posing advice.
This video covers some useful subject lighting tips when taking close up shots.
This video introduces the different equipment needed for getting that close up photo with your digital SLR. First looking at close up filters followed by extension tubes and then on to the holy grail, macro lenses.
Interesting subject matter from Bryan Peterson using cooking oil to capture some stunningly artistic close up images.
In interior architecture photography there are a number of challenges, starting with choosing whether to use natural light, ambient light or some combination. A few other challenges for interior architectural photography are also mentioned in this video by the professional photographer.
Join Brian as he continues his OnOne HDR webinar series, in this video he covers the use of PhotoTools to maximize the look and feel of architectural photographic images.