In this video John Bentham from the Digital Photo Academy gives a few short tips on how to capture superb shots at dusk when the sun is disappearing over the horizon. For more information go to
This video shows how to use simple household items to construct a very simple but super effective D-I-Y macro studio.
In this video a professional photographer gives an overview on how incorporating still life elements as part of wedding event photography can lead to some stunning results.
This video is a showcase of still life shots from professional photographer Yoshie Nishikawa, born in Sapporo (Japan) in 1959. I’m sure you will find Yoshie’s photographs quite stunning and hopefully will give you some ideas and inspiration for your next still life project.
This video is the second part of Karl Taylor’s recent Product & Still Life photography competition. In these videos Karl concludes his professional critique and additional tips on what he has judged to be the top 25 images.
This video is part one of two for Karl Taylor’s recent Product & Still Life photography competition. In these videos KarlĀ gives his professional critique on what he has judged to be the top 25 images, passing on both composition ideas and tips with photographing the scene.
In this video professional photographer Dom Bower explains and demonstrates why not to use a dome diffuser if you are doing any sort of interior architecture photography because it casts shadows.
This video shows a collection of photographs taken by a passionate amateur nature photographer.
In this video professional photographer Craig shares his critique of a bold architectural photograph and discusses the following: – subject leveraging – hard light and strong hued and high value color – shooting a part of a subject – looking at different ways to increase the visual excitement of the bicycle as a main subject.
This video gives tips for the novice on how to get started in night photography.
In this video Mike Wilson shares his passion for photographing the night sky and includes some info on what you will find if you look upward plus a few images to wet your apatite for capturing stunning shots of the heavens.
In this video Kent Weakley talks about how he photographed a cannon being fired in the dark and without a tripod. Kent has some more photography tips on his website over at