In this video the photographer talk a little bit about his absolute favorite time to photograph, during the monsoon season when storm are rampant throughout. Capturing lightning is fun (see How to take pictures of lightning) but it is also a great time for capturing sunsets, addressed in this video. There is even a rainbow
Follow on from the first video where the photographer covers a little more info on the photographs he had taken on the shoot.
In this second episode of Karl Taylor’s two part Macro Photography tips videos we actually see the results generated by the various lenses, cameras and accessories discussed in the first video.
Blair Bunting covers the lighting and photo manipulation techniques he used when Photographing the brand new Lamborghini Aventador in the studio.
Mark Wallace shows you how to create some interesting images using a sheet of glass, some RainX and a little water. These images can be used as computer wallpaper, backgrounds for you iPad, iPhone or even used in a PowerPoint or Keynote presentation. Mark also shows how he edited the images in Lightroom to saturate
Photography Tips from Photo to Print on how to use artificial light in photography effectively by considering shadow and contours.
In this episode Mark Wallace demonstrates some techniques for shooting portraits (and a few other things) in natural light. Mark uses nothing but his camera, no reflectors or fill flash, to get terrific results.
Karl Taylor’s photography tips on light will probably change the way you plan your photography composition from now on!
Wildlife Photography: To Catch a Predator. Michael Forsberg shares his work documenting setting up camera traps to catch a bobcat.
David Smith from South Africa shares his top tips and techniques for amazing nature & wildlife photography. Learn how to take better photos with his advice on approaching animals, composing and framing shots, and getting the best camera accessories. You’ll come away with natural and “inspired” photos from a safari, or just a hike in
This video features the adventures and photos of Dr. Drew Crain’s January 2012 Wildlife Photography class.
Jay Goodrich has the eye to still architecture and Mother Nature in the most breathtaking way. Going beyond the most important tenants of photography, composition, clarity, and light, Jay’s photos also exude emotion and passion.