Find The Light: Digital Photography 1 on 1

In this episode Mark Wallace demonstrates some techniques for shooting portraits (and a few other things) in natural light. Mark uses nothing but his camera, no reflectors or fill flash, to get terrific results.


indysphoto says:

mark i just wanted to take the opportunity to thank you for being a great teacher to me i have seen all your videos and always looking forward for what you r going to teach next. thank you.

Bemap30 says:

I’m actually not impressed by the IQ of these photos. What do you think Mark? Is the x-pro 1 worth the money? Looks soft to me. But really nice tuto Mark. I love your work. I’ve learned a lot through your videos! Thank you

subjectb says:

9:00 I know what new piece of gear I’m getting next: A huge panel of tinted glass!

simon44 says:

Looks like the Independence palace in Saigon.

simon44 says:

Maybe he’s just working around the problems of the camera? The primary purpose of this video wasn’t the camera he was using. I’d have to give him the benefit of the doubt here.

TheMassGenocide says:

Please more tutorials on finding natural light!

Wow Mark! Your explanation of shade vs. open shade was awesome! I didn’t know it made such a difference. Thanks!

apostlethomas1 says:

satanic lightmeter?? whats that? lmao!

SkarnDeBrax says:

Thanks a lot for this one, again…. :D

sheetbrains says:

Hey, I like the information just not how it’s delivered. You guys are way too polished and corporate. I really can’t stand the girls introduction, over the top annunciated and cheery, which sets the tone for the News at 5 slick type production. Maybe just back off that bs a bit and be more real and honest. I think there’s many among us that would find that approach more organic and refreshing.

lacipapa007 says:

i’m not a pro, so maybe it a b*llsh*t, but it’s funny that a 2000 dollar camera misses the light metering.

mmccarrell says:

@sheetbrains if you don’t like the video’s, then don’t watch,,,,simple.

enserio75 says:

That Girl is HOT!!!

kellysully248 says:

Please check out some of my photos 🙂
at kellyann248.deviantart . com
there is land/waterscapes and also self/emotive portraits
No hate please 🙂

JVVitinhooo says:

that is such a great video! it helped me a lot with techniques

crazu00 says:

Hi, I was wondering whether you retouch your photos after you take them and show them on this video.?

keysignify says:

I’ve been shooting for…10 years now as an amateur! I’ve only taken one photography course, but I remember it being an awesome course filled with tips for portraiture, action shots, etc. Your videos remind me of those courses!

Where all the other videos are busy telling you what gear to buy, you guys focus on the techniques and I love it.

roclin says:

it tells you that at the very start

tkhotshot06 says:

Follow me on twitter! @ItsTimKyles. Tons of ways to make a residual income monthly from your digital Camera! (I Follow Back)

JVLIVSPhoto says:

Consider yourself subscribed, sir. You will be hearing from me a lot. I’ve learned quite a bit within the last ten minutes. Thanks.

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