In this video award winning photographer Jeff Lowman shares his tips on real estate photography including advice on lighting and the need for wide angle lenses.
This video teaches some tips & trick for shooting great macro close-ups. Featuring professional photographer Roy Todd from San Diego.
This video covers how to shoot products the profession way, a step by step guide to product photography in the studio, every photograph of an object should be called a still life, dealing with shadows and reflections with good lighting can enhance your photography and make sales easier on ebay and other auction sights by [More]
In this video the photographer talks about the types of shots he takes and the techniques he uses during his mid-day photography shoots.
This tutorial video is from landscape photographer Jamie Paterson who has a passion for seascape photography, but then he is an Aussie. If you’re looking for a tutorial for seascape photography then this is for you.
This is part three (of three) of the night photography documentary film made in 2003. Night photographers Howie Spielman, Troy Paiva, Larrie Thompson, Tom Paiva, Lance Keimig and Steve Harper discuss their work and explain the stories behind some of their most memorable photographs. Narration by Moonfrye. To keep up on the latest news in [More]
In this video award winning photographer Jeff Lowman shares his advice on obtaining a legal copyright for your photographs.
Gabriel Biderman explores the images that can be captured at night when you expose for seconds, minutes, and even hours with film and digital cameras. You’ll find Gabriel Biderman’s Website at
Alan Hadley from My PhotoNetWorks presents this Video Tutorial which is the first in a series on Still Life Photography covering subject composition.
Understand different studio lighting angles for portrait photography sets the mood for a more dramatic image. Learn some helpful portrait photography lighting techniques from a professional photographer in this video.
Learn the inside tips on shooting outdoors from National Geographic photographer, Michael Melford, who has published numerous stories and books for National Geographic, National Geographic Traveler, LIFE magazine, as well as many other publications. Very informative and at times amusing presentation.
In this video a professional freelance photographer gives advice on the basic supplies necessary for a photographer just starting out which include a high-quality camera, a computer, photo editing software, a camera-mount flash, a reflector and an assortment of lights to set up a basic studio for high-quality shots.