Follow-on tutorial about night photography covering what camera settings are better is which situation. Again with a lot of useful examples.
Professional Photographer, David McLain, provides tips for capturing great landscape and nature photography. From focal points and lighting, to weather, foreground, shutter speed and more, you’ll be shooting like a pro in no time!
Karl Taylor’s photography tips on light will probably change the way you plan your photography composition from now on!
In this video Australian Landscape Photographer Matt Lauder shows you how to find the black and white point in your landscape images in Photoshop and then using the curve or levels adjustment layer you can set the white and black point in that image. The result is quite impressive.
In this video photographer Don Giannatti shares a tutorial on the basic concepts of Tabletop Product Photography. Don starts with an introduction to tabletop lighting – tools, scrims, DIY gear – and how to organize your shoot around a tabletop to bring everyone up to speed, moving on to more advanced topics adding extras such [More]
In this video Karl Taylor covers the simple process of resizing images using Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop and Google’s Picasa software.
This video isn’t a tutorial but a collection of stunning landscape photographs, hopefully it will inspire you to put on your hiking boots, grab your photographic equipment and head on out to put into practice everything you’ve learned from this site so far.
Interesting subject matter from Bryan Peterson using cooking oil to capture some stunningly artistic close up images.
This video is part one of two for Karl Taylor’s recent Product & Still Life photography competition. In these videos Karl gives his professional critique on what he has judged to be the top 25 images, passing on both composition ideas and tips with photographing the scene.
This video introduces the different equipment needed for getting that close up photo with your digital SLR. First looking at close up filters followed by extension tubes and then on to the holy grail, macro lenses.
This is part two (of three) of the night photography documentary film made in 2003. Night photographers Howie Spielman, Troy Paiva, Larrie Thompson, Tom Paiva, Lance Keimig and Steve Harper discuss their work and explain the stories behind some of their most memorable photographs.
This video is the second part of Karl Taylor’s recent Product & Still Life photography competition. In these videos Karl concludes his professional critique and additional tips on what he has judged to be the top 25 images.