This short video focuses on the subject being photographed rather than equipment techniques, does include some nice end result images though which will hopefully prove inspiring.
In this video Cindy Harris gives her top tips & techniques for photographing animals either in the wild or at the zoo.
In this video the photographer covers light metering for night photography and how to use your best judgment to capture far better shots than your camera light metering setting estimated.
In this slideshow video nature photographer Jennifer Wu shares her tips for taking black and white photographs including camera settings and filter tips. There is a difference for how to shoot for black and white and so much occurs before you trip the shutter. She will demonstrate how to convert color images into black and [More]
Jay Goodrich has the eye to still architecture and Mother Nature in the most breathtaking way. Going beyond the most important tenants of photography, composition, clarity, and light, Jay’s photos also exude emotion and passion.
This tutorial specifically covers the settings for Nikon D30 / D300 / D700 range of cameras but the main tips will still be useful for other makes, pity they didn’t include a soundtrack but at least the video is easy to follow.
In this video the photographer talk a little bit about his absolute favorite time to photograph, during the monsoon season when storm are rampant throughout. Capturing lightning is fun (see How to take pictures of lightning) but it is also a great time for capturing sunsets, addressed in this video. There is even a rainbow [More]
Studio lighting tips from a professional freelance photographer shows how to supply enough light for the best possible image. A well-lit photography studio utilizes several lights that cover the back of the subject, the front of the subject and the background.
In this video professional photographer Serge Ramelli shares his tips on the various HDR technics out there. This one covers using an option in Lightroom 4.1 to retouch an HDR 32 bit file created in Photoshop CS 6. It doesn’t work on all photos but when it does the natural look that it gives is [More]
In this video a professional photographer give a few quick tips on using your camera’s built-in flash which can come in handy in low light situations to get more even lighting around your subject.
In this video Phillip McCordall shares a tip about drip photography, which sounds simple but it turned out to be a lot more complicated. Studio photography can be fun and never taken too seriously when working for yourself, it shows that not even an established still life photographer can do everything.
In this video the photographer passes on some useful tips for taking portrait shots, together with advise on lens selection and some other useful accessories.