A short video to show photoshop users how to remove converging verticals in their architectural photography.
In this video award-winning photographer Jeff Lowman gives tips on how to set up lighting for pinup photography which requires special lighting considerations to light the subject to look as fully as possible.
This video shows how to set up the camera for long exposure night photography which should help all those just getting started with night photography.
In this video Karl shows and critiques the top 25 images entered into his recent “Green” competition including the winning photograph, so the video had lots of helpful composition tips.
Telephoto lenses are critical for wildlife photography, but big lenses can be a challenge to support due to their size and weight. Here, Jason P. Odell demonstrates the use of ball heads and gimbal heads for using long telephoto lenses.
This video covers some useful composition tips for nature photography, with a few additional ones on wildlife.
In this video award-winning photographer Jeff Lowman gives his tips on fashion photography lighting which has its own set of rules when it comes to lighting.
In this video photographer Robert Grant covers the equipment he uses together with the camera settings for capturing some very detailed close-up shots of flowers.
In this video photography teacher Tony Worobiec cover some of the basics on night and low light photography.
Brian Palmer leads a Nature Photography workshop at the Eastern Neck National Wildlife Refuge on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Part 1 covers • Introduction • What’s Covered – Landscape, Wildlife, Macro, Portraiture in Nature, Recipe for Good Photography, Equipment, Technique, Opportunity, Composition Basics. Framing, Rule of Thirds.
In this video Don starts with an introduction to tabletop lighting – tools, scrims, DIY gear – and how to organize your shoot around a tabletop. Then Don covers some basic concepts of Tabletop Product Photography. Finally Don concludes the video with more advanced topics adding extras such as kicker lights, snoots, and grids that
In this video award-winning photographer Jeff Lowman covers posing techniques for glamour photography. Glamour photography requires your subject to pose in a few different ways.