Wildlife Photography Camera Equipment Setup

This video from a professional wildlife photographer covers the equipment set-up he uses. Which is the Canon 30D w/ grip, 600mm f/4L, 400mm f/5.6L, 1.4x extender, 580EX2 flash w/ Better Beamer, Wimberly v.1 head w/ flash arm and Benro tripod. Being a pro, you’ll know that this is going to be some very serious kit and he does also mention the equipment prices at the time of making the video for those who might be considering taking up wildlife photography for a living.


JohnFromSpace says:

Tactical Camera. You can probably run and gun with that thing!

whitey211 says:

hell yea man. I actually mount it on top of my ar sometimes.

bmten10 says:

how much for the 400?

mattandhisnikon says:

How effective would the flash extender be when using a 70-200mm f/2.8 lens with a 2x converter?

whitey211 says:

Probably just as effective as it is for my 600 f/4 (with the 2x on your lens is basically a 140-400 f/4). The wider the aperture the more “effective” the flash will be. The slower the shutter speed the further the flash can travel and still provide adequate light. Hope this helps!

Jonathan Gomes says:

canon makes a 12,000 its $120,000 tho

whitey211 says:

I’m assuming you meant the 1,200mm lens, and yea, that thing is a monster. B&H has a video up on here of it being used.

Jonathan Gomes says:

i know haha would love it with a doubler haha i have a nikon 600

Mozo901 says:

You my friend…need a 7d

whitey211 says:

I’d rather have a Mark 4 🙂 I wish I could have either though, but I am broke.

CRSxphoto says:

Are you still selling the 400 and the 1.4x???

whitey211 says:

no, sorry

ragnarocking says:

Have you ever used the Better Beamer and Canon 400mm f/5.6 together? When the flash is mounted to your gimbal head and flash bracket, does the BB cause any lens flare (does it extend beyond the length of the lens)? I recently purchased the 400mm and JoBu Jr.3 Gimbal head with a flash bracket. I presently use my 580EX2 with a Sto-Fen Omni-bounce to soften the flash when birding, but it doesn’t do what the BB does: it doesn’t increase the reach of and concentrate the output of the flash. Thanks

whitey211 says:

I don’t actually think that I have ever used the 400 on the tripod with the BB. I’ve used it on the hotshoe, and from there it does not extend beyond the lens.

OK, just tried it on the tripod and yes, the BB does extend beyond the lens. If you extend the hood though I don’t think you’d have any problems. For the $30 bucks it costs it’s at least worth a try.

Thanks for watching!

ragnarocking says:

Awesome. Thanks for checking.

sasktank says:

you dont need a mark4—the 7D is fantastic–youdd love it after using the 30D

friendlyoblivion says:

@whitey211 Hey man great vid and very nice setup you have. I shoot wildlife too (mainly birds) but i have never used a flash with it,can having one of those extenders on a good flash actually make some difference when shooting birds at distance?, basically how far can this flash reach, because i’v never even thought about using a flash with bird shooting because the subject is always a bit of distance away, thanks hope you can reply.

whitey211 says:

I usually shoot at 400 ISO and somewhere around f/7.1 or 5.6 depending on the shutter speed I need. With those settings I think I can usually get noticeably flashed birds at around 60 feet or so. Either way though the beemer definitely lengthens the throw of the flash by at least 50% if not double. It’s certainly worth the $30. But don’t forget you’ll need a flash arm for your tripod.

I mainly use the flash for fill light and to add that twinkle in the eye.

Thats just what i wanted to know, thanks alot for the reply.

whitey211 says:

Great! Good luck!

sampreap says:

that is not a lens…. that’s a bazooka!!!

marquis9074 says:

@whitey211, which Benro were you using?

whitey211 says:

C-357 n6. Still holding up well! I think for the money you can’t really go wrong with it. If it breaks, you can buy another one for the cost of a Gitzo. 

RLJSlick says:

Very nice setup

whitey211 says:

Sorry I can’t help much on that. The part that matters for attaching the BB to a flash unit is the molded plastic arms. They are shaped to fit around each specific type of flash head. If they don’t make one for your specific type of flash you might be out of luck. You could buy one and hope it fits, or try and modify it.

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