This video see wildlife photographer Ben Clewis shooting at Lake Marion SC. Not very long but includes a few tips and a stunning collection of final images.
This video see wildlife photographer Ben Clewis shooting at Lake Marion SC. Not very long but includes a few tips and a stunning collection of final images.
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I do shoot a lot in manual but for auto use ETTL and dial the power down or under expose -1/3 or -2/3 a stop depending on the lighting and distance to subject. Although I have had to crank the power up with the better beamer like when an owl is way up a tree and strongly back lit. With digital you can always practice it in your yard till you get the hang of it.
Wow, very inspiring, hope to see more of your great work in the future.
big *** lens lol, all i got is a 18-55, 55-200, 70-300 🙁 lol thATS LIKE A 10-700MM :p 99K$
that is a gigantic zoom lens.
get a teleconverter for the 70 to 300. That what i did. 1.5x if it’s a nikon. 140 to 600 mm that what it change it to for me
could you tell us your lense selection. I want to get into birding, and am looking at the 100-400mm zoom plus the 500mm canon
The 100-400mm Canon is a great lens to carry on your should for hand hold while the 500mm is on a tripod. That’s the way I did it for a while.
great work mate…. i really like wild life photography… pity in malta we dont have much of it but would like to shoot in lake marion. Always keep in mine this….. NO GUTS NO GLORY 🙂
Nice places you have there. Must be fun. Congratulations!
andrew are u a maltesse photographer me too =)
Hi SPOTGREEN ,I dont have a zoom, some shots I miss, yes, but I also get some ‘cos I dont have to zoom, so its swings and roundabouts.
I get a big range of focal lengths with converters and DX & FX bodies .
I use a 400mm 2.8 prime lens with 1.7x (gives f4.5) & 2.0x (gives f5.6) converters
With the 2.0x converter and DX body (1.5x sensor) I get 1200mm f5.6 !! awesome.
Ive got real fast at changing converters and bodies and I get a massive range from 400mm, 600mm, 680mm, 800mm, 1020mm, 1200mm.
When you standing in a swamp how you cahnge bodies or converters? I didn’t se any of them with you! Not much easier just turn a zoom ring?
Other question? Why you shooting in continuous mode? Because its sounds better and not cost you, or do you use bracketing?
Hi, that is not me in the video…..I avoid swamps.
wildlife photography
Hey that cool, I’ve been there I live in MB if you like check out my videos on youtube
Very nice.
Does animals scare the flash?
Lol @ 1:30 “Whut?”
wtf?! no animals cannot scare a flash given as how its not alive
are you using a 500mm telephoto? btw what camera is that?
I’m sure you meant does the flash scare the animals. well yes and no sometime the reaction from the flash is very good images.
What cam?
What cam? What was your first lens and what camera did you start of with
In the video I’m using a canon 1d mark IIn, I started photography with a Pentax K1000. I got serious when I got a Nikon 8008n and a 300mm lens
you seem to have got some stunning shots, hope you had a good time.
Great video, nice shots, wish it was warmer here in canada when I’m wading around in the water.
check out my video “life through my lens intro” on youtube, it’s my first try and I can only get better at filming, I only wish I had $30.000 dollars to spend on a video camera.
i am frome the south and i do the same thing
a really long lens in broad daylight….. Your flash isn’t doing anything. Even at night with that long of a lens it would be barely noticeable if at all.
Awesome photos ! Thanks for sharing !
Lovely work, Brava!