In this video the photographer passes on some useful tips for taking portrait shots, together with advise on lens selection and some other useful accessories.
In this video professional photographer Serge Ramelli shares his tips on the various HDR technics out there. This one covers using an option in Lightroom 4.1 to retouch an HDR 32 bit file created in Photoshop CS 6. It doesn’t work on all photos but when it does the natural look that it gives is [More]
In this video photographer Phil Steele covers a lot of flash photo tips for all camera types. Whether you have a little point-and-shoot or a digital SLR with hot-shoe flash, there is something here for you.
Samsung show off a couple of their new point and shoot camera line. This video is obviously a camera promo but interesting to see what built-in technology will be coming along in the not too distant future.  
This video is a quick introductory lesson on macro photography and should help beginners get started with the help of Michael from who shares a few useful tips and tricks.
In this video Jamie Paterson covers what photographic kit he carries in his bag for his landscape photography outings and walks you through them.
In this video Phillip McCordall shares a tip about drip photography, which sounds simple but it turned out to be a lot more complicated. Studio photography can be fun and never taken too seriously when working for yourself, it shows that not even an established still life photographer can do everything.
In this video still life photographer Phillip McCordall shares a couple of great tips for the studio showing all the secret tricks for photographing bottles and glasses, a real must see for any photographer both amateur and professional.
In this video professional photographer Dom Bower shares his tips on taking location portraits and the techniques he used to create shots worthy of inclusion in a magazine when the weather and light conditions were less than ideal.
With a few simple techniques you will be able to create images that are more eye-catching than you had imagined. Make capturing inspiring cityscapes second nature!
This video gives tips for the novice on how to get started in night photography.
This short follow on tutorial video from landscape photographer Jamie Paterson is a showcase on a single seascape photography shot he took while at the same location in his previously posted video, he goes more in depth into how he took it, interesting result.