In this video professional photographer Karl Taylor shares some landscape composition tips using the humble standard 50mm lens, (because he forgot to bring his wide angle 😉 )
In this video Karl shows and critiques the top 25 images entered into his recent “Green” competition including the winning photograph, so the video had lots of helpful composition tips.
In this video Karl Taylor covers the simple process of resizing images using Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop and Google’s Picasa software.
With a few simple techniques you will be able to create images that are more eye-catching than you had imagined. Make capturing inspiring cityscapes second nature!
In this video Karl Taylor meets up with photographic and digital printing expert, John Fitzgerald, to take a look at a few modern ways to display photography. Too often nowadays photographers forget to show off their best photos! Whether for commercial purposes or just purely for pleasure, many photographers are unaware of a great variety [More]
Karl Taylor’s photography tips on light will probably change the way you plan your photography composition from now on!