In this video photographer Dom Bower take you along on a night photography shoot to capture shots of the stars in the night sky over his native Scotland.
In this video a professional freelance photographer shares her tips for photographing pets, it is important to make them feel comfortable, and the images usually turn out better when the animal is not paying attention to the camera at all.
In this video a professional freelance photographer shares her tips for obtaining photography licenses, a license for being a professional photographer is simply a business license, which can be obtained through each city and state, tips for obtaining a business license to open up a photographic studio, permits to photograph staged events, etc.
In this video photographer Don Giannatti shares a tutorial on the basic concepts of Tabletop Product Photography. Don starts with an introduction to tabletop lighting – tools, scrims, DIY gear – and how to organize your shoot around a tabletop to bring everyone up to speed, moving on to more advanced topics adding extras such [More]
In this video on the photography industry a professional freelance photographer gives some helpful tips on how to come up with a formula to put a price on photography services, which involves calculating the overhead costs, determining an hourly rate and researching the competition will help you find a general market value.
In this video seasoned photographer Taylor Gahm take you “on set” to watch a larger-than-life shoot unfold. Witness how he developed the concept for one of his most compelling shoots—including 3D lighting models to illustrate how he lit the scene. Plus, you’ll get a look into how he interacts with a client on set and [More]
In this video photographer Robert Grant shares his tips on taking river moving water shots, discussing the camera settings he used and showing the resulting photographs.
In this video award winning photographer Jeff Lowman shares his advice on obtaining a legal copyright for your photographs.
In this video award winning photographer Jeff Lowman shares his tips on real estate photography including advice on lighting and the need for wide angle lenses.
In this video about night photography in the streets of Paris, the photographer shares his thoughts on the shots he has taken, there isn’t much by way of technical tips but hopefully it will help give you some inspiration on what to point your camera at.
This video is a behind the scenes look of an architecture photography shoot by professional photographer McCory James. The building photographed is the new Colorado State University Diagnostic Medicine Center (CSU DMC) in Fort Collins, Colorado
In this video professional photographer Dom Bower shares his tips and techniques for recreating an interesting portrait shot that he found in a magazine.