This tutorial about night photography will show you how to take long exposures during the night. Find out what camera settings are better is which situation. A lot of examples!
Get some excellent photography tips for night shots with help from an award winning photographer in this video clip.
Night photographers Howie Spielman, Troy Paiva, Larrie Thompson, Tom Paiva, Lance Keimig and Steve Harper discuss their work and explain the stories behind some of their most memorable photographs.
In this episode Mark Wallace shows you how to shoot at night using only the moon and stars as your source of light. Outtakes at the end of the video – Coyotes!
How to take some cool night time photographs with your kids. Using sparklers, glow sticks, and flashlights and a few camera shutter and flash tricks, you can create some fun pictures.
A Full Moon Night Photography Workshop led by photographers Scott Martin and Lance Keimig held in the Big Bend region of West Texas.
This tutorial specifically covers the settings for Nikon D30 / D300 / D700 range of cameras but the main tips will still be useful for other makes, pity they didn’t include a soundtrack but at least the video is easy to follow.
With the progress of high-speed films, higher-sensitivity digital image sensors, wide-aperture lenses, and the ever-greater power of urban lights, night photography is increasingly possible using available light.