In this video Mike Wilson shares his passion for photographing the night sky and includes some info on what you will find if you look upward plus a few images to wet your apatite for capturing stunning shots of the heavens.
This is part three (of three) of the night photography documentary film made in 2003. Night photographers Howie Spielman, Troy Paiva, Larrie Thompson, Tom Paiva, Lance Keimig and Steve Harper discuss their work and explain the stories behind some of their most memorable photographs. Narration by Moonfrye. To keep up on the latest news in [More]
Night photography covers a whole host of different photographic opportunities and this video showcases night time portrait photography, covering how to shoot with off camera flash on a night engagement & model photo shoot. Learn the art of long exposure, off-camera lighting and placement, white balance and posing the model.
This video shows how to set up the camera for long exposure night photography which should help all those just getting started with night photography.
This is part two (of three) of the night photography documentary film made in 2003. Night photographers Howie Spielman, Troy Paiva, Larrie Thompson, Tom Paiva, Lance Keimig and Steve Harper discuss their work and explain the stories behind some of their most memorable photographs.
Another slide show video with some more useful night time photography tips from the “Dancing in the Dark” team.
Follow-on tutorial about night photography covering what camera settings are better is which situation. Again with a lot of useful examples.
In this Night Photography tutorial Patti Schulze of gives you an alternate way to create star trail photographs. This technique, known as the stacking method, involves making a number of short exposures, and combining them using an action in Photoshop to create the illusion of one long exposure with long star trails. This method [More]
Digital Photography episode covering  ‘Still’ cameras that also take great video. The Best Free Panomamic Stitching computer software. Favorite Digital Photography Gadgets, 7 Great Digital Cameras, plus Better Night and Low Light Photography tips.
Night photography requires patience and a steady hand. Discover a few quick tips on how to get a great night exposure with the help of a professional photographer.
If you have always wanted to know how to do night photography then this video reveals all the secrets. From shutter speed to tripods and lenses, you’ll uncover the night time photography ideas and tips that the professionals use.
Some very helpful tips on getting perfect results from your night time photo shoot.