In this video tutorial the photographer covers subject lighting tips and how using an egg as a training subject will help you grasp the fundamentals of the use of light in your compositions.
In this video award winning photographer Jeff Lowman shares some more of his advice on lighting techniques for digital photography, because digital photography has its own set of rules when it comes to lighting.
In this video photographer Don Giannatti shares a tutorial on the basic concepts of Tabletop Product Photography. Don starts with an introduction to tabletop lighting – tools, scrims, DIY gear – and how to organize your shoot around a tabletop to bring everyone up to speed, moving on to more advanced topics adding extras such
In this video award winning photographer Jeff Lowman shares his tips on real estate photography including advice on lighting and the need for wide angle lenses.
In this video award-winning photographer Jeff Lowman gives his tips on fashion photography lighting which has its own set of rules when it comes to lighting.
In this video award-winning photographer Jeff Lowman gives tips on how to set up lighting for pinup photography which requires special lighting considerations to light the subject to look as fully as possible.
Studio lighting tips from a professional freelance photographer shows how to supply enough light for the best possible image. A well-lit photography studio utilizes several lights that cover the back of the subject, the front of the subject and the background.
In this video featuring a professional photographer learn how the pros balance and measure light. Understanding the lighting requirements for a portrait helps you achieve the best possible results.
Light your low key portraits with the help of a professional photographer. Some more studio lighting tips from Steve covering low key portraits and soft lighting.