In this video the photographer shares some tips on photographing a shiny object in both hard light and soft light created with a scrim.
In this video photographer Phillip McCordall covers real light painting, how to shoot a subject in a studio only using one moving light source, a torch in this case.
This video is the second part of Karl Taylor’s recent Product & Still Life photography competition. In these videos Karl concludes his professional critique and additional tips on what he has judged to be the top 25 images.
This video is a showcase of still life shots from professional photographer Yoshie Nishikawa, born in Sapporo (Japan) in 1959. I’m sure you will find Yoshie’s photographs quite stunning and hopefully will give you some ideas and inspiration for your next still life project.
This video is part one of two for Karl Taylor’s recent Product & Still Life photography competition. In these videos KarlĀ gives his professional critique on what he has judged to be the top 25 images, passing on both composition ideas and tips with photographing the scene.
In this video Don starts with an introduction to tabletop lighting – tools, scrims, DIY gear – and how to organize your shoot around a tabletop. Then Don covers some basic concepts of Tabletop Product Photography. Finally Don concludes the video with more advanced topics adding extras such as kicker lights, snoots, and grids that
In this still life tutorial video Robert Grant shows how to project light for creative effect.
Alan Hadley from My PhotoNetWorks presents this Video Tutorial which is the first in a series on Still Life Photography covering subject composition.
This video covers how to shoot products the profession way, a step by step guide to product photography in the studio, every photograph of an object should be called a still life, dealing with shadows and reflections with good lighting can enhance your photography and make sales easier on ebay and other auction sights by
Studio photography on a budget, this video will teach you how to take studio photos without any professional equipment just using the lights from around your home, it shows step by step how to do it.
In this video Mark Wallace walks us through the process of taking creative still life photos. Mark will demonstrate how to use an aquarium to capture engaging images of ordinary household items. From a strawberry to food coloring, watch as Mark provides step by step instructions for creating unique still life images.