When posed the question “What’s the best camera?” 9 times out of 10, most professional photographers will reply “The one you have on you” so what do you do when the only camera you have to hand is the one in your cell phone? This video shows iPhone users, as well as all camera equipped [More]
In this short video professional photographer Bryan Peterson extols the virtues of the Canon 500D close-up “lens” (much like a glass lens filter) which is a far more affordable option over a dedicated full close-up lens.
Digital Photography episode covering  ‘Still’ cameras that also take great video. The Best Free Panomamic Stitching computer software. Favorite Digital Photography Gadgets, 7 Great Digital Cameras, plus Better Night and Low Light Photography tips.
This video by veteran photographer Rob Sheppard is for photographers interested in the outdoors and landscapes. Hopefully it will help you realize that you don’t have to trek to exotic locations to get stunning landscape pictures.