In this video photographer Robert Grant covers the equipment he uses together with the camera settings for capturing some very detailed close-up shots of flowers.
This video presentation, Introducing Photography Guide – “Shoot Pics Like The Pros” gives tips on how to use your camera and take awesome photos just like the pros do.
In this video Simon Harsent, a Canon EOS Photo5 2009 judge, talks about his background in still life photography as well as his influences including his latest work. Simon also provides macro lens tips which can help achieve the best outcomes in close up photography.
This video shows how to use simple household items to construct a very simple but super effective D-I-Y macro studio.
This video slideshow covers some useful tips on how different lighting will help make your shots stand out when in close up.
In this video Phillip McCordall takes you through a cheap alternative solution for macro photography, with a demonstration of extension tubes or close up rings showing you how they work and you’ll see the eventual quality that is achievable for a very small investment.
This video covers some useful subject lighting tips when taking close up shots.
This video introduces the different equipment needed for getting that close up photo with your digital SLR. First looking at close up filters followed by extension tubes and then on to the holy grail, macro lenses.