Starry Night Galaxy photography by Dom Bower

In this video photographer Dom Bower take you along on a night photography shoot to capture shots of the stars in the night sky over his native Scotland.


Lilkiwiguy87 says:

It depends entirely on the temperature at the location you are photographing. If it is bloody freezing, it will keep the camera’s sensor cool and might last longer. If not too cold, it will not last very long.

Based on our experience, they are capable of doing 1-2 hours long exposure in the cold without resulting in too much noise.

It will not damage the sensor because the scene is darkened, but it would if you point the camera at the sun and do a long exposure.

guunther1 says:

good stuff, i haven’t seen the stars in ages man too much light pollution over here.
it looks AMAZING.

baba321123 says:

Thanks Dom, very interesting and tips

musaka14 says:

How shots did it take to find the perfect exposure? awesome video…love it! 

Dombowerphoto says:

it wont damage the sensor unless you are being stupid and pointting it in sunlight.

what is the point of covering the lens? are you getting confused with this and firework photography?

scary lighting and scary building = very scary photography

brt5470 says:

I never knew the long exposure noise reduction removed a noise pattern. I thought it was simply doing basic reduction.

Is it only HIGH ISO, or just long exposure? 

Dombowerphoto says:

high iso and long exposure noise reduction are two different things, different in your menu settings as well

Dombowerphoto says:

very quickly. firstly shoot at iso 6400 find the right exposure (around 30 seconds then change the time for how you change your iso.

tips in the blog

gilegraam says:

i believe nikons go to 100 as the lowest iso, and if you want no blurry stars, you should try this stuff astrotrac DOTT com/Default.aspx?p=holiday-deal its brilliant

SoundsandImages says:

very cool Dom, worth being out late for ..I think the longest I have done is 16 mins.. Sky almost turned to day though…

SillyEddyPhotography says:

I honestly can’t remember the reason for doing it, but it worked for me. That wasn’t a night time shot mind you.

Mrsvaughan61 says:

I just did some start trails in Canada…. The subject is a old abandoned UK phone booth….. so what I did was used my flash off camera to light the phone booth and did multiple shots of 90 seconds(11 to be precise?) and stacked them in photoshop using the ‘lighten’ blending mode

Mrsvaughan61 says: here is the photo

Dombowerphoto says:

oh interesting

lopezae33 says:

what lens did you use??

did you listen to what i said in the video especially around the 1minute 12 seconds

Dombowerphoto says:

the iso 100 is not a real iso, it is still shot at iso 200 but then it is darkend down in camera to give the look of an iso 100

Dombowerphoto says:

thats cool, do you have a link to a shot of that on flickr?

Dombowerphoto says:

when you say it worked for you. what did it do? what did it make work for you? you say you cant remember why you would do it but you know it worked. but for what. i am thinking firework shots

heuykiller says:

Really nice! Thanks
Scary to be out there alone 😛

SillyEddyPhotography says:

When I did it, I took a photo of my bedroom wall. I was just playing around with long exposure and small aperture. The room was lit with a single standard house bulb, and I believe that putting the cap on just balanced out the brightness. After 11 minutes the image should have been blown out, but it came up perfectly. Even though I shook the camera, the image came out with no blur. I am yet to use it in any other application.

SoundsandImages says:

@Dombowerphoto I found it eventually, must upgrade my flickr account… Some have slipped off the gallery..

SoundsandImages says:

Grrr won’t let me post a link… Will tweet you now…

Jamespringlephoto says:

What makes you stop talking in this video?

nate42nd says:

My noise reduction on my T1i was terrible, but I never tried star shots. I think it may depend on what you are shooting and at what ISO. There is also ISO NR. Have you ever used that? Anyway, I have not tried my 7D yet. I have a feeling my 7D MAY be better at this NR funtion. Thanks for the vid! later

nate42nd says:

Also, you are shooting at F/4? I hear you eed to shoot at F/8 or F/11. I suppose it depend on the lens you are usign. I NEED a Tokina 11-16! Very good lenses.

Dombowerphoto says:

f8 or 11 who says that? the stars will be tiny, you need a fairly big aperture to make the stars seem as big as possible

nate42nd says:

I have been given that advice from other photographers on forums mostly. I trust you. I will try it next time. I do a lot of this and all other kinds of photography. Have a good one man.

ill try explain on the blog

baba321123 says:

Dom, I have a question. At the end of the shot, there is a loading time for the noise reduction. I have a d90 and should I set the High ISO NR on any specific setting? I don’t think the D90 will process into that NR processing in camera. Or can I just set it to normal?

lepeanut says:

oh man that last shot is beautiful.

LivingForLOL says:

Don’t take the picture close to a river!! You’ll just get even more noise in the picture…
(LOL, I’m funny)

LEX PIX says:

Nice shot of the Milky Way there. Astrophotography is fun. Nice star trails too.

360mix says:

What happened at 4:46 Did you draw a blank or did you hear something strange?

johna121312 says:

Another awesome video Dom

Dombowerphoto says:

shooting star out side

@Dombowerphoto You never cease to amaze me! Your photos are so cool. Really good inspiration. Thanks for all your hints and tips!

thanks for your kind words

Dombowerphoto says:


very cool photos, you think 12 minutes is long try a 2 hour exposure 🙂

Marc Piechowicz says:

Is there anything I can do to stop my lens steaming up when it’s cold? I’m not sure if this makes much difference as it always happens and results so far are not too bad.

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