Product Photography and Still Life

This video covers how to shoot products the profession way, a step by step guide to product photography in the studio, every photograph of an object should be called a still life, dealing with shadows and reflections with good lighting can enhance your photography and make sales easier on ebay and other auction sights by showing photographs and images of your products to their best advantage with little lighting, flash or continuous light.


Deadonis says:

This is really one of the best product (still life) photography videos I’ve seen. Thank you so much. Pls keep the videos coming!

pmcc150 says:

Thank you for the comment

BirdOfParadise777 says:

Learning all of this is so wonderful:)
I am trying to rationalize why the flare would make the blacks go grey… is it because it messes up the white balance? I was bothered by the lack of focus until you switched to the photo and then I was relieved. It is a fantastic photo! Thank ya fer thu learnin:)

pmcc150 says:

No It’s nothing to do with white balance, It’s simply because any unwanted light coming into the lens will cut down the contrast.
Try looking at a light with something black next to it with one eye, then hold your hand to shield the light ,then you’ll see the blacks will go blacker. the lens is like an eye and reacts in the same way.

AJ Govind says:

Great video sir, very informative and straight to the point! Thank you.

AJ Govind says:

Great video sir, very informative and straight to the point! Thank you.

Mohamed says:

Good day KenHope you, family & busneiss are all going well i just came across your brilliant video tutorial on water marking in Lightroom 3.This is great for me a keen amateur i am kinda new to Adobe Lightroom- i live in Cold , Wet, Moody at this time of year London UK – and shoot the odd wedding during the wedding season with my Nikon D200 and my Brand New 2nd hand Nikon D3A friend from a wedding i did last year asked me if i could put her 618 images from her wedding onto a site so she can show her friends & family that she can link them up to view her wedding thumbnails- i am going to sign up to Flickr & upload the images for Private viewingBut i wanted to put a watermark so no one can copy the images: Your Tutorial was neatly done , very clear and easy for a slow learner like me to follow, i am not from the digital age but keen to learn.I also like your images you must be Cooking on Gas Ken ? the Quality is Bang on the Money( Great)How do i resize all my images for web viewing so when i add the watermark- i can then use the Lightroom upload to Flickr i have heard there is an option in LR for doing this? Can you explain please.Thanks for sharing the knowledgeBlessings & RespectWill

shinshigure says:

I like your tutorials!!
I just start learning photography and I need advise. What is the best affordable camera for product photography? I’m trying to photography small-medium crafts in a home made light box. Thank you for your help.

pmcc150 says:

The main question is what is affordable 🙂 and how small are your subjects ? Another thing that’s important for me to know is the use of the images, are they only for the internet for example?
If you can let me know I’ll have a look for you.

SBNakhi says:

why was the taken photo different from the video?

pmcc150 says:

It’s exactly the same but the video in low light is not as good quality as the real photo.

doosierty100 says:

This is amazing. You rock dude.

Jay Enj says:

What stand do you use to hold the fishing wire? and which fishing wire do you use?

pmcc150 says:

The fishing line depends on the weight of the subject, and the line is held on a broomstick thats held on a stand horizontally , a drawing pin in the ceiling works as well.

Wonderful video, really insightful. I’ve learnt a lot.

pmcc150 says:

Well its very simple really, as it depends totally on the light being used the camera settings change, there is no recipe really for still life exposure , I will try to remember in the future to say the settings though.

TheHelenbach says:

Thank you. I know it’s trial and error but just wanted a rough gauge to start off with. Thanks for swift reply and loving your work

shaolin641 says:

I really enjoyed watching this video because it focused on how to light. Thank you! I’m gonna watch your other videos. 🙂

Awesome Video, really helpful….

Markus says:

Oct. 22, 2012WHAT: Chicken for Children fundraiser for the Dr. Bill Lewis Center for Children feartuing Nelson’s barbecued chicken dinnerWHEN: 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Oct. 31WHERE: Free delivery in Fort Wayne or pick up at Plymouth Congregational Church, 501 W.Berry St.TO ORDER: Call (260)750-8032 or email Rebecca Nix at . Orders will be taken until 500 dinners are sold. Dinners sell out fast so ORDER NOW!COST: $9/meal includes: bd Nelson’s chicken & Pit-Tatoes,™ green beans, bread/butter and a treat. **Great time-saver for Halloween night or enjoy for lunch at your place of work or home! All proceeds benefit the Dr. Bill Lewis Center for Children which provides forensic interviews of child victims of alleged sexual abuse.

Rajat R says:

Very informative.. thank you so much for sharing.

MrCJ1988 says:

Man, you’re a fun person to learn from.

Mohammed Kasemn says:

Thank you for the great video!

udaykiranmudigonda says:

Great video ! I learnt a lot from this , especially about flare. Thanks and subscribed!

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