Brian Palmer leads a Nature Photography workshop at the Eastern Neck National Wildlife Refuge on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Part 1 covers • Introduction • What’s Covered – Landscape, Wildlife, Macro, Portraiture in Nature, Recipe for Good Photography, Equipment, Technique, Opportunity, Composition Basics. Framing, Rule of Thirds.
Great workshop! The information regarding wildlife photography is indeed very educational.
Awesome video. Thanks for the tutorial!
Hello, are you familiar with “MagicSFXphoto” (just search on Google for it …)? There you can watch a good free video demonstrating the right way to create better photos. It made it easier for Joe to make photographs that have that wow-effect when you look at them. I hope it helps you too.
// frame array 50 frame works NSMutableArray *framesArray=[NSMutableArray array]; for (int i=0; i<50; i++) { ……………. } id animObjectS1=….. id animActionS1=…. animActionS1=….. DanceSAA1=[CCSprite spriteWithSpriteFrameName:@"Dance1.png"]; DanceSAA1.position=ccp(50,160); [self addChild:DanceSAA1]; [DanceSAA1 runAction:animActionS1]; ….}-(BOOL)containsTouch:(UITouch *)touch { CGRect r=[DanceSAA1 trtuxeeRect]; CGPoint p=[DanceSAA1 convertTouchToNodeSpace:touch]; return CGRectContainsPoint(r, p );}Please advice,Aprial
This is a great podcast. looking forward to the rest of the series. This clearly hasn’t gotten the hits it deserves.