Superb advise on taking superb portrait pictures and wedding photographs from top photographer Bambi Cantrell.
Get some excellent photography tips for night shots with help from an award winning photographer in this video clip.
Another slide show video with some more useful night time photography tips from the “Dancing in the Dark” team.
A short video to show photoshop users how to remove converging verticals in their architectural photography.
In this video award-winning photographer Jeff Lowman gives tips on how to set up lighting for pinup photography which requires special lighting considerations to light the subject to look as fully as possible.
In this video Karl Taylor covers the simple process of resizing images using Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop and Google’s Picasa software.
In this photo critique, alec discusses the components of a large scenic landscape and how we can use color theory to create depth and movement in a photography.
This video isn’t a tutorial but a collection of stunning landscape photographs, hopefully it will inspire you to put on your hiking boots, grab your photographic equipment and head on out to put into practice everything you’ve learned from this site so far.
Interesting subject matter from Bryan Peterson using cooking oil to capture some stunningly artistic close up images.
This video shows how to set up the camera for long exposure night photography which should help all those just getting started with night photography.
This video is part one of two for Karl Taylor’s recent Product & Still Life photography competition. In these videos KarlĀ gives his professional critique on what he has judged to be the top 25 images, passing on both composition ideas and tips with photographing the scene.
In this video about night photography in the streets of Paris, the photographer shares his thoughts on the shots he has taken, there isn’t much by way of technical tips but hopefully it will help give you some inspiration on what to point your camera at.