In this video professional photographer Serge Ramelli shares his tips on the various HDR technics out there. This one covers using an option in Lightroom 4.1 to retouch an HDR 32 bit file created in Photoshop CS 6. It doesn’t work on all photos but when it does the natural look that it gives is [More]
Interesting subject matter from Bryan Peterson using cooking oil to capture some stunningly artistic close up images.
In this video award-winning photographer Jeff Lowman gives tips on how to set up lighting for pinup photography which requires special lighting considerations to light the subject to look as fully as possible.
Another slide show video with some more useful night time photography tips from the “Dancing in the Dark” team.
In this video award winning photographer Jeff Lowman shares some more of his advice on lighting techniques for digital photography, because digital photography has its own set of rules when it comes to lighting.
In this video Award-winning wildlife photographer Bruce Taubert offers some tips to help improve your wildlife photography.
This video gives tips for the novice on how to get started in night photography.
In this video photographer Amy Renfrey shares her wildlife photography tips to help you take sharper, clearer and more dramatic photos of animals in the wild. Always remember to get the right timing, shoot in warm light and have a telephoto lens, and most of all, keep safe.
In this video award winning photographer Jeff Lowman shares his tips on real estate photography including advice on lighting and the need for wide angle lenses.
In this short video professional photographer Bryan Peterson extols the virtues of the Canon 500D close-up “lens” (much like a glass lens filter) which is a far more affordable option over a dedicated full close-up lens.
In this video photographer Michael Cousin compares traditional and modern photography light metering, showing you the normal use of a light meter and then he shows you why he never ever uses such a device when actually producing real photos.
If you have always wanted to know how to do night photography then this video reveals all the secrets. From shutter speed to tripods and lenses, you’ll uncover the night time photography ideas and tips that the professionals use.