Night Photography: Stacking Technique For Star Trails
Uploaded by Randy Sparks on September 7, 2012 at 7:42 am
Night Photography: Stacking Technique For Star Trails
In this Night Photography tutorial Patti Schulze of gives you an alternate way to create star trail photographs. This technique, known as the stacking method, involves making a number of short exposures, and combining them using an action in Photoshop to create the illusion of one long exposure with long star trails. This method eliminates the need for using noise reduction and can dramatically reduce the amount of time needed in the field to create star trail photographs. Patti outlines the equipment, exposure, and Photoshop techniques needed to execute this wonderful Night Photography technique.
In this Night Photography tutorial Patti Schulze of gives you an alternate way to create star trail photographs. This technique, known as the stacking method, involves making a number of short exposures, and combining them using an action in Photoshop to create the illusion of one long exposure with long star trails. This method eliminates the need for using noise reduction and can dramatically reduce the amount of time needed in the field to create star trail photographs. Patti outlines the equipment, exposure, and Photoshop techniques needed to execute this wonderful Night Photography technique.
Great video thanks for help. I was wondering if you could explain how to upload Keiths Software onto the bridge after it has been downloaded and where to go from there. Thanks.
hi patti,. i have just installed dr browns image stacker for star trails,..but just as an experiment i took photos of 7 coffee cups on a a table, all around six iches apart , so that the final image in photoshop shows a table with around 7 coffee cups on it !! ……BUT!!…… how come some of cups are transparent ??….i am using the ‘maximum’ in the dialogue box ,.and ‘minimum ‘ …but i cant seem to work ut why the cups are transparent!!!….HELP.
Very informative! Thanks, got a heavy tripod for my b day and just orderedme remote shutter. Now I just have to find a location! I’m thinking of hanging out on my roof lol
Hey there, do you know “PhotoSFXart” (just google it)? On their website you can watch a nice free video explaining the right way to make outstanding photos. It made it possible for Joe to take pictures which have a jaw-dropping-effect whenever you take a look at them. I hope it works for you too.
what cable release do you have that you are able to set the settings you have?
I have the Canon Timer Remote Controller, TC-80N3. The controller has a timer, interval timer, long exposure timer and exposure-count setting.
thanks, fun tutorial.
thank you =]
Great video thanks for help. I was wondering if you could explain how to upload Keiths Software onto the bridge after it has been downloaded and where to go from there. Thanks.
Awesome tutorial!!! You sound a bit nervous, though… No need, you give a great presentation, my fellow photographer.
Patti, thank you so much for sharing this knowledge. I am interested in doing star trail photography and this has been a very helpful place to start!
hi patti,. i have just installed dr browns image stacker for star trails,..but just as an experiment i took photos of 7 coffee cups on a a table, all around six iches apart , so that the final image in photoshop shows a table with around 7 coffee cups on it !! ……BUT!!…… how come some of cups are transparent ??….i am using the ‘maximum’ in the dialogue box ,.and ‘minimum ‘ …but i cant seem to work ut why the cups are transparent!!!….HELP.
Great tutorial. Thank you for sharing it!
Hey.. Thank you.. it has really helped me a lot..
Have you tried taking it to the next level with HDR?
Why not use film, it’s not like you’ll use much of it.
hey good video could you tell me was the photo takin in total darkness or dusk?
Great job and info…..thanks for taking the time to make this.
thanks for this
She sounds fat and tired..her voice gets annoying
thankyou so much! now if only i could get the script to work!/download
Thanks for the excellent tutorial!
Very informative! Thanks, got a heavy tripod for my b day and just orderedme remote shutter. Now I just have to find a location! I’m thinking of hanging out on my roof lol
Hey there, do you know “PhotoSFXart” (just google it)? On their website you can watch a nice free video explaining the right way to make outstanding photos. It made it possible for Joe to take pictures which have a jaw-dropping-effect whenever you take a look at them. I hope it works for you too.