Night Photography

With the progress of high-speed films, higher-sensitivity digital image sensors, wide-aperture lenses, and the ever-greater power of urban lights, night photography is increasingly possible using available light.


eogarcia3 says:

5 thumbs up

SadSmile87 says:

A tiny bit long BUT more informative than I was expecting. I am just starting out with photography as a hobby this is really great tutorial.

Lincoshop says:

Please keep watching our channel, more videos coming soon.

SCMurrellsInlet says:

Interesting video!

ScoutCrafter says:

Awesome Tutorial!!!!!!!!!

seragasebonwe says:

great stuff…i will subscribe to this,

sourcekings says:

this was a good one when it first came on i said that looks like a greenscreen image you was seperated from the bg nice it wasnt greenscreen so i was amazed

fret2424 says:

One useful trick you failed to mention is the use of the camer’s timer.
If you don’t have a remote shutter, and want to activate the shutter without touching the camera, you can just set the timer and step back.
Many cameras have an available 2 second timer just for this purpose.

TheFreqBoy says:

You mentioned low ISO’s. Would this be your recommendation whatever the level of light/weather/circumstances? When should I use a high ISO I guess would be the question. Thanks fella 🙂

TheDominoJester says:

Very cool, I learned a lot.

FREAT! what camera is used to shoot this video?

GREAT! what camera is used to shoot this video?

Lincoshop says:

Canon 7D

Other videos were recored with 5D mark II

thanks for the invites.. what will be the best camera for starters?

I started with a canon 550D/rebelT2i and a 50mm f1.4. Great sucsess! You’ll get a good eye for composition with a prime, and you’ll not be lazy as you would have been if you’d buy a zoom lens. AND you’ll get a fast apature, so its nice for shooting in the dark

francheskalola says:

Hi! I do photography please go and see my channel and my photography blog. I use a General Electric 12.2 pixels cam. Go and see my photos. They are so good.

tmick990990 says:

We all live in a yellow submarine.

tmick990990 says:

haha thats probably why he is there!

Sopheak Sek says:

Thx for the tips… has anybody told u before that u look and sound like Ryan Seaqrest…?

Sandra Mara Carvalho de Melo says:

great one invest must special

dwightlathan77 says:

Great video! Where would I be able to find ‘noise levels vs. ISO’ charts on other camera models (10:27)? I’d love to find this info for my camera.

ukguy says:

if you have a Canon camera try the-digital-picture dot c om. it has lots of great information, charts and reviews etc.

tariq0513 says:

to be honest, it looks like you are not even in the park.. somewhat as if you keyed yourself out from a greenscreen..

JohnF30Music says:

exactly! i’m almost certain this was shot in front of a green screen!

Lincoshop says:

This scene was taken at the Santa Monica Pier CA. around 8:30pm

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