With the progress of high-speed films, higher-sensitivity digital image sensors, wide-aperture lenses, and the ever-greater power of urban lights, night photography is increasingly possible using available light.
With the progress of high-speed films, higher-sensitivity digital image sensors, wide-aperture lenses, and the ever-greater power of urban lights, night photography is increasingly possible using available light.
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5 thumbs up
A tiny bit long BUT more informative than I was expecting. I am just starting out with photography as a hobby this is really great tutorial.
Please keep watching our channel, more videos coming soon.
Interesting video!
Awesome Tutorial!!!!!!!!!
great stuff…i will subscribe to this,
this was a good one when it first came on i said that looks like a greenscreen image you was seperated from the bg nice it wasnt greenscreen so i was amazed
One useful trick you failed to mention is the use of the camer’s timer.
If you don’t have a remote shutter, and want to activate the shutter without touching the camera, you can just set the timer and step back.
Many cameras have an available 2 second timer just for this purpose.
You mentioned low ISO’s. Would this be your recommendation whatever the level of light/weather/circumstances? When should I use a high ISO I guess would be the question. Thanks fella 🙂
Very cool, I learned a lot.
FREAT! what camera is used to shoot this video?
GREAT! what camera is used to shoot this video?
Canon 7D
Other videos were recored with 5D mark II
thanks for the invites.. what will be the best camera for starters?
I started with a canon 550D/rebelT2i and a 50mm f1.4. Great sucsess! You’ll get a good eye for composition with a prime, and you’ll not be lazy as you would have been if you’d buy a zoom lens. AND you’ll get a fast apature, so its nice for shooting in the dark
Hi! I do photography please go and see my channel and my photography blog. I use a General Electric 12.2 pixels cam. Go and see my photos. They are so good.
We all live in a yellow submarine.
haha thats probably why he is there!
Thx for the tips… has anybody told u before that u look and sound like Ryan Seaqrest…?
great one invest must special
Great video! Where would I be able to find ‘noise levels vs. ISO’ charts on other camera models (10:27)? I’d love to find this info for my camera.
if you have a Canon camera try the-digital-picture dot c om. it has lots of great information, charts and reviews etc.
to be honest, it looks like you are not even in the park.. somewhat as if you keyed yourself out from a greenscreen..
exactly! i’m almost certain this was shot in front of a green screen!
This scene was taken at the Santa Monica Pier CA. around 8:30pm