More Landscape Photography Tips and Tricks with Jamie Paterson

This short follow on tutorial video from landscape photographer Jamie Paterson is a showcase on a single seascape photography shot he took while at the same location in his previously posted video, he goes more in depth into how he took it, interesting result.


Farman says:

that we should fovigre and forget’. Even if this were actually possible, we are certainly not required to even attempt anything like it if they are unrepentent and likely to offend again on the same serious way. We are entitled to say within ourselves something like: whilst I have handed calling you to account over to God, and whilst I pray that you will see the light, understand what you have done and repent, and apologise so that we can safely be reconciled, I now know you and what you are like, and I choose to guard my heart and the hearts of those under my protection, and (for the time being anyway) to love you in absence.By doing this, as well as protecting ourselves (we are not called to continually cast our pearls in front of swine’) and giving ourselves time and space for our own healing, we give those who have done us wrong the chance to experience that we no longer seek their company, but at the same do not carry any resentment towards them. If it is God’s will that we should be reconciled to them and resume an active friendship, then this course of action can have a powerfully positive challenging effect. If it does not, then it is better that we let them go and enable God to give us something/someone else instead.We hope you find this reply of help.God bless and guide you.

nerxboy says:

im gonna go for either sigma 10-20 or the tokina 11-16 🙂
i’ve heard a lot about monitor calibration but im not 100% sure what that is lol 😀

jpatersonphotography says:

Cool. You have to get your monitor calibrated as well. Normally just a cheap bit of hardware and software that you run on your pc. Its important to do.

nerxboy says:

calibration is matching colors on monitor and on the final print right?

Yes. That is pretty much it. Its also extremely important.

V2SkiLLz0R says:

Awesome shot as usual 🙂

jpatersonphotography says:

Thank you very much.

pitts5839 says:

Wonderful shot!! Im curious to learn what kind of filters you use. One must be a graduated ND filter right? What about the others?
Thanks 🙂

jpatersonphotography says:

Thanks! 🙂 On this shot I used a 5 stop graduated ND filter. I will also use a 3 stop GND filter, on some rare occasions a 3 stop reverse GND filter and of course I will occasionally use a neutral density filter as well. Hope that helps.


leepaothao says:

at F10-f22 shooting landscapes, the question is where do you focus? the sunset, water, rocks?

leepaothao says:

shooting landscape at f10-f22, where do you focus? the sunset, water, or rocks?

I normally focus somewhere in the middle of it all. To find out my research hyperfocal focusing. 🙂

lopezae33 says:

final shot was amazing, wish we had more of your videos! thanks

jpatersonphotography says:

Thank you very much. 🙂

Ammank says:

we hebben niet met 1-6 maar met 1-8 veleorrnen dat pakken we hun dan terug, als wuij dan weer tegen hun moeten spellenwij uit tegen hun thuis. Daar kunnen wij er op gaan vertrouwen op dat momment,dat zou gert en lia ook zeggen gr van stefan

jpatersonphotography says:

Hi Marc.  Thanks mate. I see you’ve been extremely busy on Flckr. 🙂

Marcrussophotography says:

🙂 Sure have 😉 Been trying to master landscapes as good as you. I just recieved my nd400 77mm filter so it sould be fun 🙂
Quick question, what whitebalance setting do you une for sunsets?

sillybaby888 says:

Cool video. I’m just learning myself, I’ve found a lot of helpful tips at thephotographyclinic (.) com

hey jamie, lovin all your vids. what contagious enthusiasm you have! One question though. What type of post proccessing are you doing? some of the images look like hdr almost, but i never hear you mention it. thanks

Hi Barrett, Sorry for the delay.  I do don’t HDR per se. I do normally take specific multiple exposures and blend them. To me HDR is just taking 3 or 5 exposures and just running them through a HDR program. I expose for the ocean for example and then I will do a seperate exposure for the ocean and then blend them together.

Hope that helps.

thomson48 says:

The pictures composition looks great, but the image looks way to touched up and unatural, which to me is the opposite of what a landscape picture should look like.

IIIBradles says:

love the pic, thats the type of picture I would love to take. i might have missed it in the video, but hat was your shutter speed on this?

jl644 says:

I wish I lived in Australlia… these places are amazing. you’re very luck sir… thanks for the vids!

blazingfire23 says:

What lens do you use for your photos?

Great tutorial. Thanks for sharing!

yurithebest1 says:

Hey, have you heard about “MagicSFXphoto” (just google it)? There you can watch a nice free video explaining the best way to create awesome photos. It made it easier for Daniel to create pictures which have a jaw-dropping-effect after you take a look at them. I hope it will work for you also…

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