MARCIN SACHA – Landscape Photography

This video isn’t a tutorial but a collection of stunning landscape photographs, hopefully it will inspire you to put on your hiking boots, grab your photographic equipment and head on out to put into practice everything you’ve learned from this site so far.


chiquibelle2 says:

wonderful photography, he has definitely his own style and signature. Great upload, Joanna :-

milosh9k says:

Beautiful !
Thank you !

Thank you… and this gives me the opportunity to say how much I enjoy your beautiful videos, always accompanied by such good music. Greetings!

ForLOVEoftheARTS says:

Thank you, yes amazing… and there is something more to it than just landscape photography:)

ForLOVEoftheARTS says:

Thank you Jeannie! I love the special poetic atmosphere he’s able to create 🙂

milosh9k says:

Thanks much, greetings !

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