This video shows how to set up the camera for long exposure night photography which should help all those just getting started with night photography.
This video shows how to set up the camera for long exposure night photography which should help all those just getting started with night photography.
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But otherwise.. just get out there and shoot:) it is alot of trail and error so patiance is a good thing to bring:) Also if you shoot parts of the night sky then try to change the white balance.. if you use fx. Auto WB then the sky can look kinda of grey but if you use tungsten it will make the sky more blueiss.. but play around with:) Have fun!
This program you see in the video is Photoshop elements 9… But didn’t edit the photos in this video….:)
dont forget to rate it….. well i would but all you say is “ummm, er, er (pause) erm….. er, ummmm er….. what a waste of, er umm 10 minutes…
cool camera! do you know you can control this camera with an infrared remote? I’re saying “no, this cameras as no IR receiver”. but.. Yap you cant control it wirelessly! great for long exposures and remote shooting! check out how at this link (copy to browsers address bar):
He looks so frustrated at the start
not bad!
great tutorial, some nice tips but i would personally stick to iso 200/100 or lower for night time photography, the higher the iso the more noise you will get in the photo…at least thats the case on my Nikon D40… just experiment with shutter and aperture values.
i know that higher ISO will increase the noise..:) However i do it to lower the shutterspeed.. for 2 reasons.. Number one.. it was freezing cold that night and took quite alot of pics that night:) 2nd if i use to long shutterspeed on the D3000 i had then.. i will make some purple fringing wich i believe comes from the sensor getting hotter..:)
If the moon is out you get more light=lower ISO. Your shutterspeed..? Do you want the star to streak or not.. If you do want them to streak.. then you shoot with a long shutterspeed therefore you can use a lower ISO. If you want the stars to be stationary and sharp.. Then you need a higher shutterspeed because if pass around 20-30 sec then the stars will begin to streak. But it is trail and error.:) But always try to keep ISO as low as possible.High ISO=more noise. Tight shots!
Great tutorial!
thank you:)
Very informative. Liked it very much.
You may already be aware about preventing the star drag on your photos. I have been a film astrophotographer for a long time, and with trial and error and study about astrophotography, there is a direct relationship, as you know, I am sure between focal lengths and star trails. The best way to explain is longer f-lenght=shorter exposure to prevent star trails. 50mm=25 or so sec. 100mm =8 to 10 sec. You have to learn to work inside this type of per. Ray
Hey Ray.. Yes you’re right.. Its like when you use a longer focallength.. then you will get more camerashake:)
very good
What would be better to use, a normal (halogen) or a new led flashlight?
Depends on the effect you want… And normally a “normal” flashlight is warmer/more yellow then a LED is… also what you wanna do… If you want to make Light circles, cubes etc or write a text then i would use an LED… Because it is easier to make sharp edges and lines with a LED….
Good information. Knowing what you want, I would take two exposures. One for the foreground, and one for stars and combine them. I think I’ll try it, thanks for the inspiration. I’ve been in photography for over 50 years, and I always run across new way to do things and think things out. Good job.
thanks for your comment.. really hope to do more vidoes soon.. But my job has been keeping me busy for a long time now…
You must look professional flashligths such as Fenix. There are a lot of videos on the net, and the light smoothness and colors are often analyzed, or at least you can see clearly the differences. Check the brand Fenix. I have a TK15 which is very small but has filters. Also, search this vid on youtube: Beamshots Led Lenser X14, Lupine Betty i hope it helps…. (some are extremely expensive, some are around 100/150 euros/usd )
Could you reply with the shutter speed (exposure time) and also the ISO setting at the photo at 6:30, im doing A level photography and need HELP!
Sorry to say it.. But cant quite remember… But the moon was out that cold winters night.. And if i recall it right it would have been about 20-30 sec and ISO was a 100… But really try different times to get what you want… But thanks for the question:)