In this video Mark talks about the difference between an umbrella and a softbox and how your light modifier is affected by size, shape and control.
In this video Mark talks about the difference between an umbrella and a softbox and how your light modifier is affected by size, shape and control.
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Love the outtakes 🙂
Another great video as usual. Wish I had the money/room for proper lighting, until then I’ll have to stick with a speed light. Looking forward to the creativelive workshop, have you/will you ever do something in the UK?
A lot of difference between direct lighting and reflected light….
Apples and oranges…you should have done shoot through umbrella and softbox not reflected versus direct.
Great demo. Thanks
Wow Man when i see on my email new video from Mark im so excited and cant wait for next one. Also videos are to short because they are good and educative. Cheers from New Zealand
Since not everyone have access to a studio or to studio strobes, I would like to watch a video where you show us all these light modifiers but outdoors and using speedlites. Strobist style. Many thanks.
Profoto Air
I did that on the PocketWizard site. Also – I’m doing a full 3 days of speedlight demos at my upcoming creativeLIVE workshop. I put the link in the video description.
I use them all the time. To keep the videos to 15 minutes or less I really have to limit what I talk about. If I included everything the videos would be 2 hours. 🙂
Hi, If using speedlights (say two sb700’s) is there an ideal size of modifiers to be used? Or is it more or less the size of the studio that determines the gear to be used? I have two 16″ softboxes that i use for product shots and i would like to venture into portraits a bit more. Also, when searching for umbrellas i see that some have a flat surface, face, to them while most are rounded, any differences between these types? Great video, thanks again! Cheers.
i would wtch the 2 hour video
When I zoom in on my photos they are never that clear, is it the lens I am using?? I always try to make my focus is as accurate as can be. Thanks in advance, Great video.
@hdshawti yeah! He’s using 24-70 and plus hes using 3dx.
Could you please do a tutorial on Self portraits. I was going through the work by Andy Gotts and how impeccable he is with shooting portraits of celebrities. Can we achieve such results by shooting all alone with whtever light source that is available? Or whatever thats recommended by you?
Thanks in advance
11:40 what was the light you were using here?
the bloopers are very funny LOL remember shapes shapes!!!
Thank you.
great mark! your female models beautiful upgrading …… your video tutorial too.
Thanks Mark!
Awesome episode like always Mark.
Could you make a tutorial showing how to use speedlights for portrait while maintaining ambient light inside buildings and how to meter for manual (non TTL) flashes in that situation
i think it’s more like, a softbox’s catchlight resembles a large window ey?
Thanks for the vid.. keep up the great work.
great info, can I borrow the model for my own tests? lol
where is the next episode?
Paul should quit now!
This was the last episode of Digital Photography 1 on 1 ?
I really miss your videos!!!
Great video, Mark!
There hasn’t been a vid since almost 2 months now. Any chance this series is going to continue? 🙁
he’s been on tour for a bit, i’m sure the show will be back. mark rocks!
CONTEST GIVE AWAY ! Green Screen Contest ( Open / World wide July 12, 2012)
What was the model of the impulse head?
Mark is such a photo Nerd, always looking at movie of ad posters for catch light. but then again don’t we all.
Hi. I love you videos! 🙂
I have 2 questions…
#1 Is there any rules of horizontal or vertical pictures?
#2 Image size? S M or L ?
Raimonds / Reymond From Latvia. 🙂
Hey Mark wich macro lenses should i buy for my Nikon d300?? Thanks!!
Wheres the new videos? 🙁
Great video Mark as usual.
It’s been a while since you’ve made a new video. Hope everything is Okay. Keep up the good work.
What is a manual mode settings here ( F& S ) ?
Thanks in advance