Learn Close-up Photography (Macro) with Pro Photographer Roy Todd

This video teaches some tips & trick for shooting great macro close-ups. Featuring professional photographer Roy Todd from San Diego.


175myles says:

@key00992233, Its not me that needs the teacher. My teachers knew the correct difference.

key00992233 says:

well, no she didn’t two point oh and zero is the same thing. what’s your phone number? I’ll call you and you can talk shit to me.

175myles says:

@key00992233, You wouldn’t be able to Skype me, my phone number has the number “Zero” in it, so you would get confused.

Geggy P says:

Close up photography is boring and easy, anyone can do it

Detjo says:

lol – wtf!
I was about to say .. A pro photographer that uses Tamron lenses??
and then Tamron.com came up at the end. ADVERT!!!

Munchmoncher says:

“Presented by Wholesale Photo Cafe & Tamron”
It’s in the description lol.

lanpetpet7 says:

Wow…how chuck norris became a photographer?

RHThrottleLHClutch says:

Tamron is junk. If you want to macro, just rent a great canon/nikon lens for a day or the weekend. Chances are high that you won’t touch a macro lens very often anyway.

plaady says:

you want my honest opinion. i really dont like any picture he has made. I don’t say i can do better. But i have seen a lot of non pro photographers shoot better frames then him.

PlasticSmile32 says:

240p We meet again…

sofarsogood9 says:

Not really a pro, he can’t even choose the right gear for macro photography.

MrMAAKK says:

Try Canon 180 , you won’t look at Tamys and try Nikon 200 F4 ,you’ll forget all :))
btw ,does Tamron makes cameras too ?

devonmale69 says:

Crap you never shoot at f/2 canon 100mm 2.8 is much better and on the 7D you get AI servo focusing as well….oh just seen this video is a advert ahhhhhhh

raja9wali says:

not bad for beginers…..

adilmap says:

Yes it sure looks like a add.. also the picture what he shot were not that clear.

EuropeanPerson says:

some of your pictures really sucks,

mindywa123 says:

Hey, the person who photographed you is a better photographer than you. Learn photography from him. BTW, who taught you composition? Go back to school and learn more. Buying a great camera doesn’t make you a great photographer….. Good luck for the future…

tugrola says:

this video made me forget all i know about macro.

progfan71 says:

If he is a “Pro” there is still hope for me!

FloTinaway says:

Used to have a Tamron macro but upgraded to a Fisher Price

AOstudiosFILM says:

240. what was this filmed with? a potato?

Nitin Kumar says:

people get the reverse ring, put the lens in reverse, do manual focus and get some amazing pictures. Little work but no need to pay for expensive macro lens. 🙂

Danny Gibson says:

ah, 240p, how ive missed you…..

YourBrodcastor says:

i Agree, and the best thing is that your talking about high quality, perfect professional pictures. HHHH

Danny Gibson says:

the tamron stuff is NOT expensive macro kit! In fact you are right, you’d be better off with reversing a decent legacy prime

Nitin Kumar says:

your comment made my day! xD

this guy cant be a professional

amazinggadgets says:

What flash do you use? Is it cheap?

redsoxsanter says:

not profesional!!!!!!!

Hay algún modo de reproducir las voces en inglés al español??

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