Landscape Photography- Storms/Monsoon

In this video the photographer talk a little bit about his absolute favorite time to photograph, during the monsoon season when storm are rampant throughout. Capturing lightning is fun (see How to take pictures of lightning) but it is also a great time for capturing sunsets, addressed in this video. There is even a rainbow that shows up near the end of the video.


Handi360 says:

need a better mic bro, or some fuzzies on it to kill the wind.  other than that good vid tho 🙂

dethmerc says:

Double Rainbow all the way lol.

sherayarorakzai says:

Arizona man? its been sick here for photos

e30roundel says:

he gave tips about how to shoot and what to expect during storms/monsoons, i dont think the title was misleading at all

e30roundel says:

gah, the pacific northwest is great and all, but i would really love to take some shots in the arizona desert! 🙂 love your vids Connor!

galaxiedance says:

I can hear you this time 🙂  yay!

61samcarter says:

Really interesting video Mr Q, thanks for sharing your experience. Amazing landscape, I spent a bit of time in Arizona and this video made me miss it!

starthi says:


Ja10564578 says:

Double Rainbow !!!!!!!!!!!!!

MeineKleineWaffe says:

What Camera do you use, and which lenses do you have for it?

rodbo says:

As always, I enjoy your videos and insights into photography. My wife’s folks lived in Tucson, just across the road from the Saguaro National Park. I wish I’d have had a camera back then. I saw some awesome sky, clouds and rainbows while visiting them. I’m so bummed I didn’t have a camera with me then…!

QQQQcon says:

its a d3x with 14-24mm

How did you get money for that? 😛

Brandonw365 says:

some sample pix at end of the video would be nice! great vids though!

QQQQcon says:

there is one in the video. It doesnt get much better than that.

QQQQcon says:

takes a little time and work, but in general profits from photography pay for the equipment I buy. 

rfalpha says:

Turn on captions. Enjoy! :D

ThatsBullSchitt says:

Looks like queens valley.

DJGReviews says:

Your so lucky to live near these places, the best thing near me is a park!

iloveseattle1738 says:

Hello! I am a young person aspiring to get into photography. I am interested in getting a DSLR camera, but I have a question for you. What kind of lens is best for taking a picture of a sunset or the sun’s rays?

QQQQcon says:

a wide angle lens is best for landscapes, like the tokina 12-24mm. any lens will capture the suns rays.

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