Karl Taylor Photography “Green” Photography Competition Results

In this video Karl shows and critiques the top 25 images entered into his recent “Green” competition including the winning photograph, so the video had lots of helpful composition tips.


DJZonus says:

yes, a picture from Norway!

Justin Grimm says:

Damn why didnt I see this competition!!! 🙁 My biggest passion revolves around green and photography.

TheMick26 says:

My green grasshopper made the top 25. That’s so cool! Congratulations to all the contestants and great entries. Thanks Karl and Tim! Keep doing what you do!

ses310 says:

Nice set of shots, I think you did pretty damn well with some of the names, didn’t envy you the task of trying to pronounce them!

miko smith says:

i didn’t know about this

flavitoandresito2 says:


nvelopd says:

Very good at giving critiques!

Congrats to the winner! Its one amazing shot =)

nvnewvision25 says:

Right^^^ Is it to late to win? id like a DVD or Bag!!!

Thuy Tran says:

Why didnt my photo get in :((

desant444 says:

Great photos

Daysia says:

That’s really thinking at an imsivpsree level

Robert Rudnik says:

Don’t you dare to give up…..
Don’t compete with others – compete with yourself instead.
Try to become better and better each day 😉

i think the signature is important …if it was shrunk down and you sent it to a competition, they could easily rub it out and break copy rights

anyctejerina says:

beautiful photos!

Brysen says:

Your answer was just what I nedeed. It’s made my day!

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