In this video you’ll discover how to build a flash diffuser with household items, paint with light, take good looking pics with your phone, and most importantly some basic compositional rules.
In this video Jeff give you a little info on Speed light equipment which is a small flash that fits onto your camera. Using a speed light will be helpful to soften the harsh shadows you sometimes get from an ambient light source.
In this video an experienced photographer explains how using a hand-held light meter gives photographers a more accurate exposure setting.
Setting up a studio for digital photography is very similar to setting up a film photography studio, but the main difference lies in the white balance settings. Create the right lighting for a digital camera with helpful tips from a professional freelance photographer.
Studio lighting tips from a professional freelance photographer shows how to supply enough light for the best possible image. A well-lit photography studio utilizes several lights that cover the back of the subject, the front of the subject and the background.
In this video featuring a professional photographer learn how the pros balance and measure light. Understanding the lighting requirements for a portrait helps you achieve the best possible results.
In this video an award-winning photographer explains how to use your digital camera’s light meter to help you make adjustments to take the best possible pictures with the light in a room.
Blair Bunting covers the lighting and photo manipulation techniques he used when Photographing the brand new Lamborghini Aventador in the studio.
Photography Tips from Photo to Print on how to use artificial light in photography effectively by considering shadow and contours.
Karl Taylor’s photography tips on light will probably change the way you plan your photography composition from now on!
In this episode Mark Wallace demonstrates some techniques for shooting portraits (and a few other things) in natural light. Mark uses nothing but his camera, no reflectors or fill flash, to get terrific results.
Understand different studio lighting angles for portrait photography sets the mood for a more dramatic image. Learn some helpful portrait photography lighting techniques from a professional photographer in this video.