Black & White Landscape Photography Using Silver Efex Pro 2 with Jennifer Wu

In this slideshow video nature photographer Jennifer Wu shares her tips for taking black and white photographs including camera settings and filter tips. There is a difference for how to shoot for black and white and so much occurs before you trip the shutter. She will demonstrate how to convert color images into black and white using Silver Efex Pro 2 to have balanced tones and detail. Tips for how to get a black sky like Ansel Adams and much more. (


Evelyn says:

For your info, the NEX C3 has an HDR mode you can set in Brightness/Colour menu.It gives the option of Auto HDR, but you can coumstise it for up to a 6.0Ev range, which is much more powerful than both auto bracketing feature of only 0.3Ev and the manual compensation range of 4EvThe camera will merge the 3 images using its own software, so you wont get to tweak yourself afterwards still its worth noting this feature.

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