Advanced Landscape Photography Tips

Learn how to use a graduated Neutral Density Filter and wireless flash to take your landscapes to the next level.

N.B. the sound is a bit low on this video so remember to turn your speaker volume down again after viewing.


appacana says:

very nice. i need to go to this place myself.

ThdeGreatestOne says:

Where can I get a Cokin filter? Everywhere I look it seems as if they don’t have it. -.-‘

hidekin says:

very nice tips . I will try next time with my tokina 12-24 with lee filter and with a remote flash sb600 . Thank you,

Sometimes do you use 2 filters ? like one on the foreground and an other one for the background ?

yoyartube says:

Very nice job and a very good demonstration of how fit you need to be sometimes to get these types of shots. I was surprised you didn’t use a mirror lockup which might contribute to some sharpness, or not, but that’s what I do.

Theokondak says:

Note: for those that wanna do the job without the Density filters, there is a method called Manual Blending.Check it out!

muck74 says:

i there ..check on ebay 🙂

fallyhag says:

Thanks for posting. Enjoyed watching. Maybe give us a with and without comparison at the end next time? Always good to see the benefits of using such a filter. But I learnt something here so much appreciated 🙂

llleolllolll says:

cokin isnt the best, get the hitech filters with the cokin P holder. Needs 85 hitechs.

ukmitch86 says:

You go to all that trouble with positioning filters, using the tripod and then set a 6s exposure without using a cable release…

Very true, sometimes I get caught up in the moment chasing the light and don’t connect the release, or opt for the 2 second timer in a pinch. Something I need to be more consistent with, thanks.

I bet if you go back to that site after a light rain you will get a much better shot. Also, you might want to use a diffuser as the flash seems a little too strong and too unnatural. In this case, rather than use the flash, you might consider a double exposure, cause your flash isn’t going to do much for the rocks in the distance.

Thanks, it’s a terrific spot and one I’ve visited in a variety of seasons. Thanks for the suggestions.

dreamm25 says:

good vid! really like it

lvlik9 says:

Hey guy I just had a question, won’t the nd filter affect the power of the flash…like It will let less flash into the camera lens…

Glendale1901 says:

dude, you talk like Keanu Reeves!!

FaronKee says:

Thanks for posting. You can also do all this after. No need for filter if you know how 😉

Mik902 says:

Thank you! Could you please list what equipment you’re using here including the tripod make and model. Thanks again!

chriscorradino says:

Sure this is the Canon 40D with Canon 17-40mm lens, a 580 EXII flash, pocket wizards, a Gitzo 1325 tripod and KIrk BH3 ballhead.

I always wonder how to measure the best distance for depth of field. I mean, if you shoot f8 or f11 you will get nice depth of field when shooting landscape and you will get everything from front to end in focus. But how would u decide that for f11 is the best to shoot how much further scene. let’s say for the same scene f5.6 would not give you that long DOF. so plz explain the relationship between distance and F stop number to get the best dof and even the farthest subject to be in focus.

mewa hang says:

euipments are really important.

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