In this video still life photographer Phillip McCordall shares a couple of great tips for the studio showing all the secret tricks for photographing bottles and glasses, a real must see for any photographer both amateur and professional.
In this video still life photographer Phillip McCordall shares a couple of great tips for the studio showing all the secret tricks for photographing bottles and glasses, a real must see for any photographer both amateur and professional.
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Dude… Again… I just love your videos 😀
You are an awesome “old” man (:
Fantastic! Love the concepts and a real time saver. Hank Bulger
You have kept the kid in you alive for a long time, for that I congratulate you 🙂
Hi my friend, Thankyou,
All that’s for another video 🙂
I’m only 35 but photography gave me grey hair, when I had some anyway :)))
Thanks for the super comment, I feel 20 so why not behave that way.
How about cold water surfer board wax? This will dull a surface and it cheap.
I’m sure that there are lots of things that may work but how many people have board wax lying around the house ? we all have deodorant , I hope. 🙂
Is there anything you don’t know much about? I know it’s a long shot, just thought i’d ask lol
There’s plenty I don’t know but if I’m stuck, i just make it up 🙂
In fact I’m not very good on anything technical, like histograms etc but I’m learning slowly. You may be surprised to know that I never use a flash meter in the studio well not for 20 years when my last one broke, although I’ll buy one soon for a couple of videos, I live by guesswork and if that doesn’t work I try another way 🙂
That is what is for 😉
Hi Phil, I was wondering if a polarizer would be helpful in cutting down those specular highlights on the glass bottle.
Loved the paint and duct-tape tips!!
Thanks a lot for sharing your expertise 🙂
Not for this type of work , you would have little control over what you do, I hope you realize that this bottle isn’t lit like it should be it’s only there for a demo on technique 🙂
Thanks again Phill. Can you tell us how you clean your lenses and sensors. I heard of an issue with oil appearing on Nikon D7000 cameras and because I have one, want some advice in the event the fault occurs. Cheers mate.
I think the same way. He’s awesome isn’t he? 😀
I’ve been meaning to do one on that, although I’ve no knowledge on the Nikon problem, I’ll try and find out about it.
As long as it’s not too much hassle. Thank you kindly sir!
You tricky dude you;)
Note to self: install high powered exhaust fan in “faux-studio” room! lol
It boggles my mind to think of all the information that your mind possesses.
Thank you for sharing:)
Hell yeaahh! 😉
As always: GENIUS!
Thank you very much Phill…
reflection with the tape – it’s just brilliant!!! :)))
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!! That white tape trick…amazing
you are lovely! thanks for this video 🙂
You are indeed a lovely teacher Phill. Thanks so very much for the inspiration.