In this video professional photographer Dom Bower shares his tips on taking location portraits and the techniques he used to create shots worthy of inclusion in a magazine when the weather and light conditions were less than ideal.
In this video professional photographer Dom Bower shares his tips on taking location portraits and the techniques he used to create shots worthy of inclusion in a magazine when the weather and light conditions were less than ideal.
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At last! Something clear I can undsertand. Thanks!
love the underexposed + flash. definitely gives me something to try out.
Nice one. Funny to see the weird picture again!
Great video.
I have a question relating to lightroom. What does the “lens correction” on the right side of the develop panel exactly do? When I apply it for my camera it snaps the picture back in place. I think thats what it does not sure.
When you use a wide-angle lens your image will be ’round’ on the edges. Straight lines will bend etc. So with that lens correction you can restore that.
Right, dom?
Thanks for the great vids Dom, keep em coming !
cool thanks
@OriginalNutterEDITS thanks. theres distortion even on the standard 18-55 kit lens? I only use the kit and still lightroom, i guess straightens the picture? I dont even have the fish eye or wide angle lenses .
the kit lens has a lot of distrotion, cos it is a crap lens. the better the lens the less distortion usually
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hehe i’m saving for better glass. I’m looking at either the Canon 15-85 or tokina 11-16. I shoot mostly landscape which is why i like the tokina but the canon is a very good walk around lens. I can’t decide yet lol.
Nice. Congrats on landing the photo shoot for a major publication man.
i have been shooting for them for a couple of years now. but need some more magazines under the belt i think
15-85 has even more distortion get the tokina
thanks for the info. I saw your review and others on the tokina and it looks like a great lens. solid build and image quality. It seems like it is in high demand though. sites like BandH are out of stock and their the cheapest for me. I hope they get them in soon. I’m itching for a new piece of good quality lens lol.
how do you trigger sb900s so far apart with cls?
check the video with this in it
@Dombowerphoto Dom, is your rubber slipping? :)). On the S5 pro or the D300 :). Do you have any problems with the grip rubber sliding slightly out of place as the camera’s used? If yes, what do you do about it? I’m thinking of either super-gluing it in place or buying a set of camera armor (but that’s only if they also make one that covers the battery grip …
Nice job Dom, again, lots of important information. Thanks to you, and other fellows which are part of the N.H.H, I have became a better photograhper, I have learned lots of new techiques!!
BTW, Thanks Dom that you made a tutorial how to fire flash wirelesly, without Pocket Wizards.
Great vid as usual Dom
Hey, Dom. Do you ever use high-speed sync? What are your thoughts on it?
Just watched a few of your videos, picked up a few good techniques. Really like you work and that you share a few of your secrets. Thanks and take care.
no problem, glad you enjoyed it and took something away from it
not that much as going above the sync speed the power is greatly reduced, i did a video on faster than sync or higher aperture a while back and changing the aperture was far better
dull boring and persistant rain dom