Landscape Photography Tutorial: unique Composition 1

In this video the photographer talks about how he took one of his more unique shots. Use the tips and techniques that he shares to make your own more unique photographs. He was using a nikon D3X and nikon 14-24mm lens to capture the photo in the video.


Ross Hannant says:


superdupersk8s says:


Ashley Carter says:


willcitoman97 says:


ChrisJuliano says:

black rapid ftw! I am going to order a brad strap right now actually because that reminded me I needed one!

08g8gt says:

Black Rapid!

So0001me says:

welcome back !!!
youtube is much better with your videos !!
a question !! I recently have got the 70-200 VR2, and I went out to shoot birds using my D300s, it seemed impossible to get a close up shot of a bird !!! they move too much, and you can’t get close enough to them !! plus the 200mm seemed so limited even on a cropped sensor !!! any advice please !!

Jacob9282 says:

I would suggest buying a teleconverter. Either a 1.4x or a 1.7x. This will allow you get closer up. You may lose an f/stop or 2, But many wildlife photographers will use this as an alternate to buying a more expensive lens

QQQQcon says:

I dont know the smug mug pro strap that I am using is one of the most comfortable i have ever used

QQQQcon says:

the nikon 1.7x teleconverter makes a huge difference, it is what I use for all my wildlife shots.

appacana says:

Connor Quinlan and Steve Oachs are my idols.

drfrank01 says:

i am canon user and i bought the 1.4 extender over the 2x for my 70-200 2.8. just cause u lose 2 stops of lights with the 2x. I bought it yesterday so im still ontime to exchange it, do you think i made the right choice? would it be enought for wildlife in your opinion? Thanks! looking forward to the rest of the videos 🙂

smoranc says:

with all the respect… you seriously need an external mic to do youor videos.

QQQQcon says:

a 2x teleconverter should do the job for most wildlife, the 1.7x teleconverter with my 70-200mm is usually enough for me.

QQQQcon says:

@BIGredsArtWORLD19 yep

your back yard is the desert? that’s pretty cool.

Jordan Sheppherd says:

Sweet picture.

the sound was just fine… great tutorial =)

David Lion says:

Hello conor, I love your photos. My teacher asked us to do a photo slide featuring the work of the photographer who most inspires us and I’ve done with your photos … Watch the video here on my channel! Congratulations on your work, I’m your fan!

QQQQcon says:

wow thanks a lot.

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