In this video the photographer talks about the types of shots he takes and the techniques he uses during his mid-day photography shoots.
In this video the photographer talks about the types of shots he takes and the techniques he uses during his mid-day photography shoots.
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Hey! I’m in these and chubby! But, hot damn my wife looks good. Love you Brooke and how you made me look aoslmt as good as Sam.
great tips, thank you.
Good that you cut your hair man. you look more presentable!
you da man! love your vids bro, keep it up!
Love it man! Great vids as always. Keep it up!!
Do u ever use filters for the sky? If so what would u recommend? If not where should I be metering?
rarely because I only use the nikon 14-24mm for landscape and it doesnt take filters. the polarizer is the best filter to get first, followed by some Graduated neutral density filters.
getting an external wireless mic would make your videos very much better and easy !! you won’t have to move your camera around, you’ll be much more comfortable during shooting the video, and people will enjoy watching the videos more !!
you got the talent and the character and the deal of nature photography !! use that it will help you in the long run !!
your faithful fan, Fahad
Hey, Quinton do you have a facebook page? And I’m not sure what kind of camera strap you have but I’ve heard that Black Rapid Straps are really good.
Thanks for posting these videos they have been a great help.
so how do you meter, on the sky first to make sure it’s blue? you got one photo there where it was really blue but darkish on top..whenever i do that the foreground gets waaay too dark..
so how do you meter, on the sky first to make sure it’s blue? you got one photo there where it was really blue but darkish on top..whenever i do that the foreground gets waaay too dark..
all i do is take the picture when there is a lot of sun on the foreground
your tutorials and reviews are really great! congrats on ’em mate.
Why did you purchase the 14-24mm over the 16-35mm f/4? I plan to get the 16-35 because of its range is more versatile and accepts filters. I own the D7000 and aiming for the D800 so I want full frame lenses. I also have the Tokina 11-16mm.
I bought the 14-24mm about a year or so before the 16-35mm was released.
He6rlig bilde igjen, Rune:) Ja visst kan frosten ve6re he6rlig og ininrrtsaet. Den er ikke bare kald;) Det ser man her:) Jeg me5 ve6re enig mned Ivar her. Jeg gleder meg se5 utrolig til vinteren. Har jo alltid elsket vinteren, men tror det blir mere morro no ne5r jeg har speilrefleksen;)
What did you use to film yourself?
That’s a shrewd answer to a tricky qusotien
Thanks for the tips! =)
Hey did you try to eat the red staff in the second picture at the end of the video, it’s delicious, I used to have all summer im my country. but I don’t know if these staff are safe here in ur area.
let me know if 🙂
Great video Conner, I just pre-ordered a Nikon D800 body only & aiming for mostly landscape photography & maybe some portraits, what lens do you recommend & why? Can you please suggest more than one lens to cover various modes of shooting 🙂
The place looks… snaky 🙂
Thank you! Love your video´s- every progressive video of yours is an improvement on your last! Congratulations!