Landscape Photography Photoshop Tutorial: Marc Adamus Sharpening Method

In this video made by Australian Landscape Photographer Matt Lauder, he covers a Photoshop sharpening method from Marc Adamus, so for all the Photoshop owners this will be a very useful tip to add to your post production techniques.


Sallybunckle says:


spudd1111111 says:

cool, im gonna try this now

mrwica2 says:

Gnaah, such a terrible accent, hard to listen and understand. Fortunately, the trick is easy enough to just follow it on the screen with muted speaker.

ooparks says:

he’s australian, dude. give him a break.

Nice upload! very helpful!

vzuptnguyen says:

Really don’t understand what is going on with the canvas size. Do you think you can help break it down for me please. What is the importance of it and can i still sharpen without worrying about canvas size.

PawelG9ine says:

Great method thanks for posting

secondseries says:

his accent is quite clear, there are some of us that are harder to understand =)

PortraitStudiosMN says:

I like the way you have done a panorama format on the white canvas.

bir0610 says:

Hello, are you familiar with “MagicSFXphoto” (just search on Google for it …)? On their website you will find a smart free video demonstrating the way to create better photographs. It made it possible for Joe to create photos that have a jaw-dropping-effect whenever you look at them. It may help you out as well.

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