Landscape Photography Photoshop Tutorial: Setting your black and white point

In this video Australian Landscape Photographer Matt Lauder shows you how to find the black and white point in your landscape images in Photoshop and then using the curve or levels adjustment layer you can set the white and black point in that image. The result is quite impressive.


Sallybunckle says:

This is fantastic !! Ive not seen anything like this. A fresh way of looking at things. Im a newbie so will add to my favorites so I can practic this technique.

Thanks and looking forward to future video,s.

LynGi says:

*LOVE* this tip! Thanks so much!

MrCJ1988 says:

I’ve never heard Aussie on Youtube making photoshop tutorials, I am not offending you or anything I am just saying it’s good to finally see some of us doing good deeds :p lol ROCK ON mate.
CJ from Perth

MrCJ1988 says:

i forgot to say wickedly awesome tips man and it’s fairly seldom to find good landscaping editing tips, thanks a lot

jasonoconnell says:

I used to do this quite a bit and realized I usually ended up clipping some highlights and shadows. On top of that it usually brought on colour casts. I think you ended up going too far with both examples. I just dont think that your second shot (of a sky and clouds) has a black point found in the image. Basically you are telling us that there is an area of that sky that is emitting/reflecting no light whatsoever to the cameras sensor. Im not trying to come across as an a**hole, just my 2 cents

startphotography says:

Photography is all about lighting. Nicely done.

mercuriallimit says:

thank you very much!!!!

The result is very close to using Auto in Curves

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