Essential Travel and Landscape Photography Skills

With a few simple techniques you will be able to create images that are more eye-catching than you had imagined. Make capturing inspiring cityscapes second nature!


BloodCellBleed says:

You almost missed the train!

robertlam18 says:

That’s a lot of gears. He should get a backpack.

Tommy Memed says:

fav lens for landscape?

grabedigger says:

Best Canon and Nikon…well it depends a LOT on the use you’re gonna give to it. The thing is, nowdays the best Nikon dSLR is the D3s, wich is a full frame camera with all the gizmos you might want or need. The best Canon, full frame for landscapes you either buy the 5D Mark II or the 1Ds Mark III, it is suposed to be launched to the market the 1Ds Mark IV and the 5D Mark III. These are the best ones. Top of the line!

bradhorn14 says:

I think the Marks are a great series of camera, but look at noise at ISO 16 and up! Its horrible with noise. Nikon is amazing with noise, and at high ISO, you eliminate a lot of flesh tone mirroring. colors stay true and creamy.

muddypuddlez says:

i really luv ur videos im looking an insight as i am thinking of persuing photpgraphy as a career i will need to take on ict and art and dontknow half the key terms but im sorta learning and im savin 4 another camer 😉

MyAnimeaddicted says:

so cool i want to learn to =D

EricB3620 says:

Great video, what’s the exact reference of the Manfrotto Tripod? Love these collapsing legs, I’ve got a Manfrotto with “butterfly” screws, not ideal if you need to stay mobile.

pjos111 says:

Does the grad filter not also darken down the Tower?

TheRacerRich says:

Your videos make me want to start taking my tripod with me, but my style is so different. I need to find some readily mobile way to carry it.

mohillipsgoogle says:

I am an absolute beginnner and got my dslr only on Christmas Day a couple of days ago. You have a subscriber here. Do you do online lessons???

n01an10 says:

could that scene be any more perfect for this tutorial?

bcfcpker says:

is there anything wrong with not using fully manual setting? I mean, I only just bought my camera and feel I should be learning manual?

blackninja650 says:

I just shot a lot of eastern Europe over the last 3 weeks and all in all I saw two days with sunshine. That meant blown out skies and snow at some points (like Moscow and Munich). The graduated density filter is such an awesome filter and in fact I should have taken a darker one (perhaps two stops down for heavy clouds). For mobility I settled for my carbon fiber Manfrotto monopod to save weight, or found a wall or post to steady myself. Nothing beats a ‘pod though. Canon 7D @ high ISO FTW!

pgice says:

sure it is..thats the problem

MrFilipe95 says:

on the skoi!

Really good videos!

istinkbot says:

People that use HDR should be shown a graduated filter.

PennyHerbst says:

Oh yesss. An L-Lens in a case jolting over some nice cobble stones in the city. A dream for every amateur photographer ♥ 😉

AF1KingKid says:

if u have a dslr and u dont use full manual then u wasted your money

Lettich3407 says:

I have a question to ask about taking pictures in a museum? I have a 18x FujiFilm with no lens, only zoom in & out kind of camera I have. What LCD brightness do I need to use in a museum? Is their anything else I need to know about taking pictures in a museum, such as adjusting my settings and lighting?

Boros777 says:

It would be really cool if you show the photos you took just after they’re shot and not in the end!

Awesome photo results Karl.
Love this channel has helped me a lot.

nigel molines says:

Karl What format do you use in your pictures?
RAW or Jpeg?

TDawgHorns says:

I would get robbed if I carried around that much equipment by myself. 🙂

Tareq Ashraf says:

AMAZING video ,but why dont you show us the ur final photos ??

GreatPhotographyTips says:

The final photos are at the end of the video at 5:47 onwards??

ashish dugar says:

Won’t it make the foreground even darker when a ND filter is inserted?

2484Stryker says:

Great video! Can you let me know which type of filter attachment system you’re using and where I might be able to find them in Canada? Thanks!

Great video! Very informative..

TheLukepetty says:

My favorite photog

David Mortimer says:

probably cokin p filter holder + some longer filters (cokin’s are square, so that isn’t a cokin Grad ND).

Tylereatsanimals says:

how do you like the 50mm F/1.2 L ?

shonenarts23 says:

don’t get your suit case stolen

echosixnoble says:

40 seconds in and I already know that I need to subscribe!!! :)

alansam51 says:

Hi Karl, my name is Alan Samuel and am British living in Malaysia. I have been following your videos and I must say, I’m very impressed with your work and teaching the world on photography. Keep up the good work!!

prettymegie says:

ALL I can say… Is Thank You… 😀

Im curious, why does he take the picture over such a long time? Shutter speed? (Im kinda new to photography with new cameras)

Cuttlefish52 says:

I spend a few hours…maybe more, tonight, after I discovered this stream of videos. I was like paralysed!
I have visited many websites to get some input as an amateur photographer….for the first time I really found what I have being looking for.
You can be sure Karl…I will follow your work. Well done and thank you for your videos. I will follow your web sites.

luvmirh8mi says:

what lens did you use?

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