In this video Karl Taylor meets up with photographic and digital printing expert, John Fitzgerald, to take a look at a few modern ways to display photography. Too often nowadays photographers forget to show off their best photos! Whether for commercial purposes or just purely for pleasure, many photographers are unaware of a great variety of ways in which photography can be displayed. Your best photographs shouldn’t just end up stuck on your computer!
Inspiring !!!
Awesome .. Thanks For Sharing ..
Thanks A lot for this video, I have been looking for a place online to print my images. And is a great place for photographers like me, Easy to use and fast.
Thanks again.
thanks karl… thaz exactly i inquired about at your forum. thanks a tonn for it.. just one small query.. the pictures where u mentioned that led painted light on sheets, does that mean that the images we see on computer will be printing same as on paper??
Been planning to put up a few prints in my own room, but I’m not sure how well they would fare with the exposure to the blazing afternoon sun.
Thanks Karl for the nice and informative video. I remember requesting here on youtube about the printing process of that picture at 06:22 on (Fuji Flex). One question though, does FitzLab deliver internationally?
I am so glad you expressed how important prints are, still are. Currently too many people only stop at uploading an image, they don’t want to hold it anymore. Sure a screen makes an image look good, but a print does so much more. Especially large prints. I believe size matters when it comes to certain images. And a print is permanent. Unless it burns up you can keep it forever. HArd drive or a disc goes, that’s it.
I really like the luster finish print. Hopefully my local pro shop has similar finished to that….Now I just gotta take some images that are actually good enough to print.
Thanks god, a new video 🙂
gave a like
Interesting video!
hi Karl , pls make vid about how to take photos for printout in large size without loosing the quality of the image ,,
thanks a lot
Hi. Yes we can and do deliver prints to any country. We would let you know what the charges would be before we complete your order.
We are a small but very approachable team and are happy to help you show your work at its best.
I just was pondering this idea about printing and now you just made it a reality!) Thank you!
Great video. I never print my photos out but will do a few after this.
The best online photohrapher undoubtedly! No one on youtube can’t even compare to you!
Nice presentation 🙂
I have used the fujifex paper to print my As-level photography coursework an my god its awesome! it really made everyone elses prints look so cheap and tacky (and seeing that they bought it from Jessops or Tesco, i guess you could say thats what you should expect anyway).
Works extremely well with B&W images. Crisp, glossy and flawless. I’ll never buy regular glossy paper again!
I find myself smiling when I see a new video from you in my subscription box 😀 Thanks for the great tips!
I agree. You have a terrific site and make terrific images also. Thank you very much, Karl.
thanks, excellent video.
everything to do with Karl Taylor is always top notch.
Nice explanation about various print options.
Thank you! I’ve been wanting to see a video like this for so long! Keep it up.
No one can print his photos just easily. There are a lot of pre-processor steps
before you go to print. Unlike showing up the photos in the internet which can be easy because what you see is what you got.
Another great video! Job well done, sir 🙂
i’d like to create that kind of portfolio album but sadly ter’s no such quality printing services around me :(.. what kind of bonding is used in that album u showed first?.. jst in case if the studio guys ask what exactly in my mind.. great video 🙂
We use a Powis photobook press which pressure bonds the images back to back and you end up with a rigid lay flat book. We do 10×8 and 12×12 inch books.
Can you give us a link of the online printing store?
I guess that some people dont print their photos because they think it will cost them too much money.
Hi Karl i have a question for you i really like the image of the woman who is jumping/falling on the bed. How many megapixel do you need for such a print? Sorry about my English, i’m not a native speaker 😉
Hi Karl I have a question for you I really like the image of the woman who is jumping/falling on the bed. How many megapixel do you need for such a print? Sorry about my English, I’m not a native speaker 😉
What do you think is the best and cheapest way to hang bigger prints (A2 size) on the wall? Canvas? Frame? Or what?
I just decided to make mine bcoz of this video….thank u so much….
Fantastic video. It seems so simple but many of us clearly forget and just keep our images digital.
enjoyed this video, it reminded me of something I have been wanting to do for a long time, witch is to print some of my images, thanks for showing some options
ur my inspiration karl