Super Cheap DIY Macro Studio For Close Up Photography

This video shows how to use simple household items to construct a very simple but super effective D-I-Y macro studio.


Caro says:

This piece was cogent, wei-twrllten, and pithy.

Muhammad Fahad Raza says:

Thanx a bunch mayte – this was real helpful !

Britec09 says:

Good video and what great results you get from what you made…plus save a lot of money. good job keep up the great videos.

shammon1 says:

Thanks @ You to :)

roldgold00 says:

Would this concept work for a bigger version like for portraits of people?

m6abbutt says:

Great video and lovely shots of the bee.

I have made this following your tips and it really is a great little studio, thank you!

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