This video is a showcase of still life shots from professional photographer Yoshie Nishikawa, born in Sapporo (Japan) in 1959. I’m sure you will find Yoshie’s photographs quite stunning and hopefully will give you some ideas and inspiration for your next still life project.
great video,thanks carlotta,a good week end
OMG! Claudia you took the thought out of my brain. You could feel the inipiratson oozing from this post lol. And my god am I drooling over here.I was curious if you would maybe post your recipe for sakura panna cotta? My family loves panna cotta due to it being carb friendly heh. With several of them being in town I would love to make some, and while I of course have my own recipe I have never used agar agar before so I was curious if maybe you’d post it up so I could try my hand?Either way I love your blog and the pictures are just unreal (in a good way of course). I am just wicked jealous cause none of my food photos come out as perfect as yours.
Molto elegante video e fotografie.
In mezzo alla natura, quelle pietre e gioielli mi sembrano anche loro farne parte. Meravigliosa poi l’immagine a 4:23