This video is the second part of Karl Taylor’s recent Product & Still Life photography competition. In these videos Karl concludes his professional critique and additional tips on what he has judged to be the top 25 images.
This video is the second part of Karl Taylor’s recent Product & Still Life photography competition. In these videos Karl concludes his professional critique and additional tips on what he has judged to be the top 25 images.
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Hi William, Thank you for all the kind words, much appreciated! In Lightroom goto File > Export > and you will get a list of choeics. In the list you can constant the file size to a maximum for both the vertical and horizontal sizes. Also in this list, you can add a watermark here as part of the export process and not have to load the images into Photoshop. Secret – test run an image or two to see if it turns out the way you’d like before running the whole folder of 600+ images. Let me know how it goes for you.
A lot of GREAT shots!
diane schiller – When ahynting has to be achieved bring in a puppy or a child and you win hearts for the cause. Pet’s Trust must be approved if we have any sense of what is right and humane as a people.Keep up the fightDiane Sedona Schiller
nice 🙂
how to make a foto like the one with the apple at 1:45?
That takes us up to the next level. Great poisgnt.
Great video. Love you comments on each frame.
Flash behind the apple and thats it!
to anyone thinking about getting the still life and product dvd.. get it. i was absolutely amazed and surprised by some of the techniques shown in the video. some things you never would have thought of yourself.
control the lightings and light the apple up by positioning the light at the back.
I liked the apple very much!
I really enjoy this show.
Ein Österreich 🙂 Gratuliere
That’s rim light. Try pointing a little light source on the apple but on the opposite side of the one you shoot from. (sorry for my bad english)
Wow these are all amazing photos!
10:06 that’s me!! 😀 😀
And I thought I was the sensible one. Thanks for setting me sttrgiha.
use a grid on flash and high shutter speed
Karl…Is that you who fixed this electrical socket? You should stick to photography 😀
INDIA Leading..
how can i join to the Competition ?